July 14 2017

Comfort (Five Minute Friday)

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Thinking about things that bring me comfort. A warm blanket on a cold night. Air conditioning in the heat of summertime. Dried beef gravy, and spaghetti noodles all wavy. Chocolate in most any form, pumpkin pie all nice and warm. A hug when you are feeling down, a friend who can turn the frown upside down. Blue skies, and oceans too. Rainbows after the cleansing rain, when the sun begins to shine again. The safety of a partner to help me with the struggles in life, make me want to be a better wife. The knowing that someone will soon be home and the freedom to get in a car and roam. Chasing lighthouses in our car, wish more were near but they are not too far.

Comfort comes in many forms, but most of all, from God alone.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Comfort
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

Sharing is caring!

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Posted July 14, 2017 by Karen Beidelman in category "Five Minute Friday


  1. By bluecottonmemory on

    Your comfort sounds delicious and warm and cool and loved! Hope you find your lighthouse adventure soon! Thanks for coming by!

  2. By bluecottonmemory on

    How your comfort tastes, experiences the warm and cool, and loves is soul beautiful! Hoping you have a lighthouse adventure this weekend!

  3. By Amy Boyd on

    So many comforts God gives us in this life! But as you said, none so great as He!! Thanks for sharing this. Your neighbor today at #FMF.

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