Photo Identification
Peter Scholl's 90th Birthday Celebration
(on or near 13 September 1908)
Top row, left to right: Barbara Scholl born 1878 (Mrs. John J. Kuhn)�Gertrude Scholl born 1890? (Mrs. Andrew Ely)�Frank Scholl born 1884�Mary (Minnie) Austgen born 1879 (Mrs. George Kemp)�Emil Lauerman born 1887�Edward Fotre born 1887�Anna Einsele born 1881 (Mrs. Edward Lauerman)�Edward Lauerman born 1882 (holding son Vincent born 1908)�Antonia Stommel born 1867 (Mrs. John J. Austgen)�Anne Austgen born 1871 (Mrs. William E. Jourdain)�Peter Fotre born 1860? Second row, left to right: Ella Lusso born 1870 (Mrs. Peter Scholl, Jr.)�Caroline Biegel born 1878 (Mrs. Frank F. Scholl) w/ Angeline? Born 1907�Harriet Greiser born 1861 (Mrs. Joseph Scholl)�Mathias Scholl born 1855�Mary Scholl born 1856 (Mrs. Mathias Lauerman)�Nicholas Scholl born 1860�Susanna Scholl born 1862 (Mrs. Peter Fotre)�Mary Fotre born 1855 (Mrs. Jacob Scholl)�Mathias Lauerman born 1854�Joseph Fotre born 1888?�Nicholas Lauerman born 1830�Edward J. Austgen born 1890�Edward A. Stephen born 1877 Third row, left to right: William M. Scholl born 1882 (the famous Dr. Scholl)�Florence Scholl born 1886 (Mrs. Andrew Meister)�Andrew Meister born 1883�Joseph Scholl born 1853�Peter Scholl, Jr. born 1844�Peter Scholl, Sr. born 1818�Jacob Scholl born 1847�Katherine Scholl born 1849 (Mrs. Nicholas Austgen)�Peter Frank Scholl born 1876�Mathias Scholl born 1880 Fourth row, left to right (starts below Peter Scholl, Jr. and left of girl w/white hairbow): Elisabeth Scholl born 1875 (Mrs. Frank Berwanger)�daughter of Frank Berwanger (Viola? Born ?)�Carolyn Scholl born 1881 (Mrs. Edward Stephen)�Elmer Jourdain born 1896?�John Austgen born 1869�Arthur Lauerman born 1885 (face partially hidden by his sister Martha)�William E. Jourdain born 1868 (holding Edward? Born 1907?) Fifth row, left to right (starts w/ small boy looking off to right): Scholl boy (name unknown)�Jerome Lauerman born 1889�Harold Fotre born 1892?�William Fotre born 1890?�Ada Berwanger born 1895�Matilda Scholl born 1892�Martha Lauerman born 1892 (w/ large hairbow) Sixth row, left to right (front row): Dog ("Mark")�Victor J. Lauerman born 1898�Clarence Scholl? Born 1902�Casper Scholl? born 1904�Vincent Scholl? born 1905�daughter of Edward Stephen (Marie? Born 1902)�Edward Berwanger born ?�daughter of Frank Berwanger (Elisabeth? Born 1899)�Rose Barbara Berwanger born 1898�Emma Austgen born 1898�Martha Scholl born 1899�Emil P. Jourdain born 1898?�daughter of Frank Berwanger (Marie? Born 1899)�daughter of Frank Berwanger (Elisabeth? Born 1899)�William Austgen born 1900? Note: The identifications were made around 1960 by Martha (Lauerman) Davis who was unsure of the identity of those individuals who have a ? following their name; in an effort to clarify identities for those who have some family data as reference, birthdates were supplied by her son Paul A. Davis in December 1996. If a name is followed by ? but a birthdate is given, this is an educated guess based upon his records at the latter time. Some birthdates are also guesswork. Martha relied on her memory of and acquaintance with most of the Scholl descendants, but Paul's research was in its infancy and there was no other data to assist her. Almost all the people in the photo have long since passed on, and it has been difficult to establish contact with families long since dispersed. Let me know what you think about my page. Send mail by clicking here. |
Karen Beidelman
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I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of this data. I have merely collected it for my own use and then decided to organize it in a useful manner and share it with other researchers in order to save others the time, trouble and expense of doing this same task again. If you have any other info, please send the info to me via e-mail ([email protected]) and I will be more than happy to post it here.