Louisville, Kentucky Directories, 1890

Name			Business Name 	Occupation 	Location 		State 
Frank Lauerman   			gardener   	2116 Bardstown pike   	KY   
George Lauerman 	G. Prell 	barber   b 	2116 Bardstown pike   	KY   
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
SS Elbe Passengers

I, Wm Willigerod, Master of the Steamship Elbe do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare that the 
following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the 
Customs of the Collection District of the City of New York is a full and perfect list of all 
passengers taken on board of the said Steamship at Bremen and Southampton from which port sad 
Steamship has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, the sex and the 
calling of each of said passengers, the location of the compartment or spaces occupied by each 
during the passage, the country of citizenship of each, and also the destination or location 
intended by each; and that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the number of said passengers 
who have died on said voyage, and the dates and the names and ages of those who died; also of the 
pieces of luggage of each; also a true statement, so far as can be ascertained with reference to 
the intention of each alien passenger as to a protracted adjure in this county. So help me God. 
Sworn to this April 14th, 1883 W. Willigerod before me. 

List or Mainfest of all the Passengers taken on board the Steamship Elbe whereof Wm. Willigerod is 
Master from Bremen and Southampton burthen two thousand eight hundred tons.

Columns represent given name, surname, age, sex, occupation, country to which they belong, country 
to which they intend to inhabit, death and cause of death, location of compartment or space, number 
of pieces of luggage and transient or in transit, or intending protracted adjourn.

459  LAUERMAN, Elisal   30 f wife     USt. of Am.  -  int.protr.soj.
Civilian Draft Registration Database

Last  	  First	Birth 	    Ethnic 	GRP Birth Site or Other Info 	City/County 	State 
Lauerman  John  6 Jun 1883  W  		citizen of Bohemia  		Garden  	NE   

Note updates will be added if/when new info is discovered.

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This page was updated on February 28, 2018

Karen Beidelman is the owner and creator of this website. © 2000-2018 all rights reserved.
Genealogists may use the information provided here freely as long as they get my written permission before publishing any of it.
This page, and the information it provides may not be copied for commercial use of any kind.

I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of this data. I have merely collected it for my own use and then decided to organize it in a useful manner and share it with other researchers in order to save others the time, trouble and expense of doing this same task again. If you have any other info, please send the info to me via e-mail ([email protected]) and I will be more than happy to post it here.

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