Washington, DC SOLONs

City Directory Listings

(submitted by Marge Solan)

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1884 & 1885

SOLAN, Frank J	
	tailor		22 Myrtle NE
SOLAN, Mary E	
	tailoress	22 Myrtle NE
SOLAN, Michael	
	tailor		22 Myrtle NE

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1900

SOLAN, Catherine	
	Bur. of Printing  
	71 K NE
SOLAN, Ellen 		
	wid Michael	  
	71 K NE
SOLAN, Frank J		
	1319 33d NW
SOLAN, Kate I 		
	Bur. of Printing  
	71 K NE
SOLAN, Michael		
	Cobb's Hotel
SOLAN, Thomas 		
	geol. surveryor   
	71 K  NE
SOLAN, William E	
	36 Myrtle NE

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1905

SOLAN, Catharine
	clk treasury		
	623 NJ Av NW
SOLAN, Ellen
	wid Michael		
	623 NJ Av NW
SOLAN, Frank J
	Benning (Hotel?)
SOLAN, Jennie B
	Bur. of Printing	
	44 L NW
	clk treasury		
	623 NJ Av NW
	623 NJ Av NW
SOLAN, Thomas
	gov. printing off	
	623 NJ Av NW

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1910

	clk treasury		
	1214 N. Capitol
SOLAN, Ellen
	wid Michael	   	
	1214 N. Capitol
SOLAN, Frank J
	Hotel Benning
SOLAN, Jennie B
	Bur. of Printing	
	44 L NW
	1214 N. Capitol
SOLAN, Thomas
	1214 N. Capitol

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1915

	clk and int       	
	h 10  119 Mass Av NW
SOLAN, Jennie B
	opr Bur Printing	
	h 44 L NW
	wid Frank J	   	
	Saloon 1003 7th NW h same
SOLAN, Steven E
	clk Sou Rwy	   	
	44 L NW
Note: from Washington, DC archives:
July 7, 1914 Will of Frank J. Solan, left his inheritance to Mary A. Solan

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1925

SOLAN, Frank
	air station  		
	r 335 C nw
SOLAN, Jennie B 
	wid of Wm  clk treas  	
	h 1070 Rhode Island Ave nw
SOLAN, Mary A 	
	wid Frank J		
	h 2611 N Cap
SOLAN, Steven E
	clk mech dept. Sou Rwy	
	r 1070 Rhode Island Ave nw

Boyd's City Directory of Washington, DC - 1935

SOLAN, Jennie B (wid of Wm E)
	h 912 Gallatin nw, Apt. 104
SOLAN, Lawrence A (Carolyn D)
	h 1236 11th nw, Apt. 66
SOLAN, Robert E. (Virginia)
	printer Drake printing co  	
	r 311 U St ne
SOLAN, Steven E
	asst to chf clk S.R. Sys   	
	r 912 Gallatin nw, Apt. 104

Census Listings

(submitted by Marge Solan)
1860 Census
Nothing of Solans, Solons in Wash., DC in 1860

1870 Census
Washington, D.C. 1870
Solon, Lawrence 60 yrs old, tailor, born in Ireland
	both Mother and Father are of foreign birth
	He is U.S. citizen  
	He is living in a household with 7 others born in Ireland, 
	four of whom are tailors, the names are:
		Daniel Donavan
		Bernard Martin
		Andew Bramhel
		John Kane or Lane
		John Grady
		Patrick Haley
		Hugh Tenney  
	living in Robert Johnson(born in Virginia) household

1880 Census 
Wash., D.C. 1880, Vol 6 E.D. 50, sheet 29 Line 33 P 630 thru 526
Solon, Michael 	Head W M 42   Born in Ireland 	Res. 48 Defreese St. NW
Solon, Ellen 	Wife     45   Born in Ireland
Solon, Frank 	Son      19   Born in Maryland
Solon, Mary  	Dau      17   Born in Maryland
Solon, Ann     	Dau      15   Born in Ken
Solon, William 	Son      l4   Born in Ken
Solon, Emma     Dau      12   Born in Ken
Solon, Kate     Dau      10   Born in Ken
Solon, Agnes    Dau       8   Born in Ken
Solon, Thomas   Son       5   Born in Wash, DC

Virgina 1880, Vol. 22 ED 52 Sheet 2 Line 39 Nansemond Co Chickwatauk (twp?)
Solon, Day 	  Male	Head 39
Solon, Charlotta 	Wife 29 Birthplace Virginia
Solon, Robert H  	Son   9 Birthplace Virginia
Solon, Henrietta  	Dau  11 Birthplace Virginia
Solon, Mary E      	Dau   7 Birthplace Virginia
Solon, Sarah E     	Dau   7 Birthplace Virginia
Solon, George H. 	NR    3 Color-Mulatto

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This page was updated on April 16, 2018

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I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of this data. I have merely collected it for my own use and then decided to organize it in a useful manner and share it with other researchers in order to save others the time, trouble and expense of doing this same task again. If you have any other info, please send the info to me via e-mail ([email protected]) and I will be more than happy to post it here.

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