November 2 2017

Why Do I Write?

I write to express myself.

I write to be heard in a world where getting someone to listen, really listen, is increasingly difficult.

I write to remember, the past, the details, to preserve them for myself and my descendants.

I write because, with words, I can paint a picture my hands could never draw because my skills as a traditional artist are rudimentary at best.

I write because mastering the written word to make it tell the story I want to tell gives me power. Only I can write that story, because, only I, am me.

I write because sometimes I don’t know what I think until I write it.

I write because it helps me feel as though all the years I spent inside of classrooms, (first in kindergarten and all the way through high school graduation and then through all the years it took me to get through college to the point of earning a degree), were worth something.

I write because it gives me the chance to express how I feel without being interrupted as I might be if I was speaking to someone. I can get my thoughts down without anyone negating them. I can tell a story once and have it read hundreds of times. That is the power of the written word. The spoken word is only as good as the attention of the person you are speaking to, even with their full attention, what you say may soon be forgotten. Not so with writing. It can be read and reread as often as needed until it is remembered or understood.

I write to discover myself, to learn the wonders of my mind and how it thinks.

I write because I can. I have that ability, that freedom, that choice and that is how I choose to spend my time.

I write to fulfill the expectations of God who has been nudging me to write for many years.

I write to improve my writing, as a musician must practice his instrument of choice in order to learn how to play it and then to play it better and finally to master it.

The idea for this exercise comes from the book, Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg. This is an affiliate link. If you choose to purchase this book using the link, I might earn a few pennies, but it won’t cost you any more. I am currently listening to the author read the book and comment about how she wrote it as a 36-year-old and is now reading it as a 50-year-old. Her perspective while she reads it and her comments are fascinating, making me ever so glad I decided to take the easy way out and listen to it instead of reading it because I would never have had the chance to hear what she had learned in those 14 years of further experience. I am really enjoying listening to this audiobook. I speed them up to 1.6 or 1.8 speed and they are still perfectly easy to understand and I get more “read” in less time. Sometimes when my daughter hears me listening like this she teases that it sounds like the book is being read by the chipmunks, but then when I slow it down to regular speed I get bored listening and my mind wanders and I miss some things. So, I speed it back up and listen to it my way.

October 29 2017

31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes Challenge (completed 10/29/17)

This post is part of the 31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes Challenge. Scroll down for the links and the graphic showing the prompts for the month.

It will be pinned to the top of the page until the end of the month. Check back for updates on the prompts. I may write several at a time and update just a couple of times a week. I seriously considered not posting any at all until all 31 were written. But that seemed like a long time to let myself possibly get behind. So I will post at least once a week. FiveMinuteFriday posts will be posted separately as they have been. Continue reading

October 27 2017

Overcome (Five Minute Friday)

The word this week is overcome. It is tough some weeks to know what to write. This week I decided to get some back up from The Bible.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 | NIV

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21 | NIV

I never thought of myself as having overcome anything in life. Then I began to think about the very real fear I used to have about flying. I realized last week I am calm when flying. I know everything will be alright. The fear is gone, I have overcome it. I’m not crazy about the stress of dealing with crowded airports and strict timetables, but I am not afraid. This year I chose the word Fearless as my word of the year. It was amazing to realize that I have been able to apply that word to one more thing this year, flying. There are other fears I have overcome this year, but that is a post for another day.

Tell us in the comments below something that you have overcome.
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Overcome
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

October 21 2017

Discover (Five Minute Friday)

The word this week is discover. We don’t know what we can do until we try something new. Then we discover hidden talents within ourselves we might never have known existed. I didn’t really know I could be a writer until I attempted and won my first NaNoWriMo in 2013.

I didn’t know I could crochet until I took a class about 25 years ago, and then forgot how to finish the rug project I began in that class. It wasn’t until I got up the nerve to ask my aunt Mary to help me relearn one Thanksgiving that I discovered I could finish the rug. I promptly gave up crocheting again until one day I discovered something called Tarn (T-shirt yarn) and that it could be made of old t-shirts and crocheted into rugs. I knew I could make a rug because I had before so I discovered I had the confidence to find out more and let YouTube help me figure it out. After that second rug, I knew I was in over my head and needed live and in-person help.

So I searched the library website and discovered a group that would help me and met practically right around the corner from my house. I went to the first meeting even though I was scared and nervous. The ladies there were very welcoming and helped me figure out where I had gone wrong and how much I had to take out and redo (most of it). A couple of meetings later they announced they were going to make hats for charity. Not wanting to be left out I agreed to try and they agreed to help me by teaching me to read patterns. The rest as they say, is history because I discovered a new pattern or two online and began making hats. I’ve made a few scarves and even a triangle shawl, but I discovered I really like making the hats the best and from now on that is most likely all I will make.

What have you discovered you can do by trying something new?

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Discover
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.