March 16 2017

Travel Tips for Parents and Everyone Else

Travel Tips

We have done a fair bit of traveling as a family and I have learned these travel tips along the way.

For Everyone:

Pack basic snacks, preferably healthy ones, for the road trip. I suggest baby carrots, celery sticks, bottled water, cheese sticks, and pretzels. This will help cut down on costs and the number of stops. Eating healthy can also help offset the extra calories we all tend to eat on vacations, just because it IS vacation and we know we deserve to treat ourselves.

When you are planning a trip, unless you already get some sort of member discount for booking hotels, you might want to consider getting a membership to your local AAA Auto Club. This can often save you at least 10% off the cost of hotel rooms or attraction tickets. The savings from one trip could well pay for the cost of the annual membership and you would still have the benefit of the roadside assistance and towing to use the whole year which can again save you to cost of the membership if you ever need to have your car towed. Continue reading

March 9 2017

Visit Your Friend’s Bookshelf

On your next stay-cation, consider asking a friend of you can visit their bookshelf. Visiting a bookshelf that is not your own is an adventure to behold. Each book is a window to a new world just waiting to be opened and explored. Where will it take you? Who will you meet? What sort of adventure will you have?

Will you explore the reference books? Maybe an encyclopedia so you can explore new countries and see what sorts of things that country is known for producing. What does the flag look like? Do they dress differently than we do? What sorts of foods do they eat? Continue reading

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March 7 2017

It’s Finally Here!

The day we have all been waiting for is here! Today. My friend Abby released her newest version of her Building A Framework Blogging course today. I have been using her course to learn to set up this blog and use Word Press and I believe in it so much I became an affiliate.

If you have ever wanted to start your own blog but didn’t know where to start, this is the place. Here is the affiliate link to get the course. If you click it the price will be the same for you, but I may earn a small commission from the purchase you make.

I know this blog isn’t perfect, but I am working my way through the course and wouldn’t be this far if not for her great tips and advice.  I still have so much to learn but I am tackling things one chapter at a time and it has only been a little while since I took my leap of faith, bought my own domain and started in on the course, so I think I have done pretty well in one short month. Now that things are kind of set up, I am focusing on things like building my email list and writing posts. It has been so much fun learning something new and seeing where it goes. Check in on Thursday nights to see what I have written for that week’s post. I occasionally get inspired to post at other times but late on Thursday nights is when you can expect to see a new post here. If you have something you’d like to see a post on, don’t hesitate to let me know!

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March 5 2017

Have you ever thought about starting a blog?

If I had to guess, I would bet that most people have thought about starting a blog at some point in their life. Maybe they have a passion that they want to share, or maybe they want to use their knowledge, experience, and expertise to help others. Maybe they’re looking for a creative outlet, or maybe they’ve heard that this whole blogging thing can actually become a business that has the ability to bring in extra income.

Whatever the reason, blogging seems to be one of those things that is intriguing to people, and I can totally understand why! I felt the same things when I decided to start my blog! Since I’ve now realized just how amazing blogging is, I only wish I had jumped on all of those “what ifs” and started my blog sooner!

If you’ve always wanted to start a blog, you need to meet my friend Abby from Just a Girl and Her Blog. She and her husband Donnie are full time bloggers, and they love to help others get started with blogging as well. This week, they will be holding a free training for new and soon-to-be bloggers on one of the most important parts of starting a blog: deciding what to write about (also known as your blogging “niche”).

Click here to sign up for the free webinar.

In the training, Abby and Donnie will be talking about:

  • Why having a well defined niche is so important for the success of your blog
  • A simple equation for finding your perfect niche
  • How to make a decision if you’re torn between a few different blogging topics
  • What to do when you’ve decided on the perfect blogging topic for you

At the end of the training, Abby and Donnie will also talk about their newly revamped course Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook, which provides even more in depth help and training for new bloggers.

Click here to register for a time that works for you!

If you’re a new blogger (or would like to be!) I hope you’ll join us at this helpful free training and take the next steps toward creating a blog that thrives! Blogging has made such a huge impact on my life, and I know it can on yours as well! “See” you there!

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March 2 2017

We Messed Up Our Kids

We are good parents for the most part. Our kids might even agree. However, in the process of raising them to be the wonderful productive members of society that they are today, we may have seriously messed them up.

First we had a rule that they could only cry when they got “hurt” if there was blood involved. Next if they kept whining about some painful thing, we would tell them, “Don’t worry honey. If it still hurts tomorrow, we will just cut it off.” You know what? NOTHING ever hurt tomorrow! Now that seriously cut down on the whining around our house. We also wouldn’t let them use a band-aid unless they were actively bleeding. Don’t judge! Those cute cartoon band-aids were not cheap! I like to think we were teaching them to deal with the things life throws at them in a mature way. Continue reading

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