Cool Thing I Learned

I went to the grocery last week. I was only going to grab a few things, so I got the small cart thinking, I would spend less. Makes total sense, right?
Well, one of my super powers is packing things tightly into small spaces and getting the most into any give space. A useful talent most of the time, but not an inexpensive one. So the cart was as full as could be when I got into the checkout line and I was commenting to the cashier that I should switch to the big cart if I had any hope of getting my purchases to the car safely. She said not to worry that she knew all kinds of places to put things and we would fit them in. So I trusted her at her word and as the bags started coming off she instructed me as to where they could be placed without taking up the traditional cart space.
So here is the cart with everything contained on it.
So here is where the wondrous things take place. It starts out innocently enough. I already love the milk shelf as I think of it, just below the handle down near the back wheels, you can see it in the photo below. See the left cup holder, well you can hang a bag from that, just slide the handles over it.You can also hang a bag from the little triangle on the right side of the right cup holder after you slide one over the entire right cup holder just like you did with the left one..
See those little upside down U shapes just below the seat? You guessed it, you can hang another two bags from those!
Now, ypu know the cell phone slot between the cup holders (maybe that is meant for coupons?) If you look at it from the front, just below the handle there is another hook for bag handles.
So if you are counting, that is a minimum of six extra bags you can hang off the cart.
I have also seen those who buy bottled six packs of soda hang those half in and half out of the cart to fit them all along the top railing. We don’t buy soda any more so that doesn’t help me, but in case you do, I thought I’d pass that along as well.
So now you can see I easily made it out to the car with all my groceries without losing even one thing to the pavement along the way.
Sometimes you just have to pace yourself while shopping and rearrange things as you go to fit the most in the cart, and with these fun little hints, you will now be able to safely guide your small shopping cart safely to your cart too. Yep, I just doubled up on my blog writing again. Sorry, but a busy gal has to do what she has to do and this is the fifth Thursday of the month which means it is blogger’s choice tonight. Seriously, if you have read this far, THANKS!
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Pace
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.