Name (Five Minute Friday)

The prompt this week is name. Your name is everything. Your name is your badge of honor. No one wants their name to be dragged through the mud. I have wondered several times if I would use a pen name if I ever got a publishing contract. Part of me thinks no way! If I get published I want my name on the book cover. The other part of me, the not-so-confident part, says yes, a pen name would make it less obvious that it was me if the book was a huge flop. I’m still undecided, but then at this time in my writing life, it is really a moot point.
Another thought came to mind when I saw the prompt. You know how you have to give the person a name when you go to a restaurant and have to wait to be seated? I always give a different name, because our last name is too much trouble to spell and pronounce/sight-read. I usually give our daughter’s first name, even when she isn’t with us because it is easy to spell and say and uncommon enough that nobody else is likely to be using it. It works as long as we don’t forget which name we gave at the hostess stand.
Names are important because they are our way of identifying ourselves. What does your name say about you?
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Name
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.