Need (Five Minute Friday)

What do I NEED? I need to get over this week-old cold and get back to some semblance of healthy again.
I need to be writing. It is November, after all. In November, more so than any other time of the year, I write. Not only do I write, but I write a lot. More than 50,000 words on a novel to be exact. That should be easy to figure out if you’ve been here before, but in case you still have no idea at all what I am blathering on about, it is NaNoWriMo!
NaNoWriMo officially started three days ago, but instead of writing I was working very long days and suffering from this darned cold. In case you can’t tell by the fact that I am writing this post on Friday for, which means I am writing it now, I am feeling marginally more human than any other day so far this week, so I am warming up my writing brain and getting ready to start my novel. In order to catch up to where I should be today, I only need to write 5,001 words before midnight. Not an impossible task to be sure, but an improbable one at least for today, because while I am feeling somewhat better, I am not quite up to that task yet.
Once I get this all posted up, I will see what I can do about getting the 1,667 words I need to write each day written for today and we will play catchup over the weekend. I will be caught up in no time. If I can do 5k-a-day each day this weekend, I could even be ahead of schedule before going back to work on Monday. One thing I don’t have to worry about this month is writing my regularly scheduled Thursday evening posts for the blog because while I procrastinated terribly about planning my new novel for NaNoWriMo, I did plan ahead. I wrote and scheduled my blog posts for this month and the first one went up last night right on schedule which would not have happened otherwise due to said sickness. I may try to continue planning ahead and banking at least a post or two that is not time-sensitive to be used in just such times as these.
Enough of this. The time has long since gone off and I have a novel to write. Until next Friday, Write On!
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Need
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.
Wow! You are doing NaNoWriMo? I am really impressed. This takes a lot of time, energy and perseverance. I pray that your cold gets better and that you are given clarity in what you are writing. Your FMF neighbour for this week (#54).
Glad to hear you are getting better and can get back to your writing!! Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂 It means a lot!!
The nasty colds are going around. Hope you end yours soon. Im impressed you can write so much in so little time. A novel in a month? I thought about it! I wouldnt know hiw to begin one. My posts are short. Maybe, Lord willing, I will!
I am feeling much better, not 100%, but maybe 65 or 70%.
I just spend all me free time in November writing the novel.
I spend the rest of the year reading books on novel writing and taking classes trying to learn how to do it right. But I keep trying and someday, Lord willing, I will finish a novel and be able to edit it well enough that someone wants to publish it, because the feeling that this is what I am supposed to do just won’t go away. I do what I can and keep looking for ways to improve my writing and build an audience.