Repeat (Five Minute Friday)
If there is only one thing on my mind these days that I think of when I see the word repeat, it is winning my sixth NaNoWriMo. If you’ve followed my posts for very long you’ve heard it a time or two, or twenty. I wouldn’t even be here writing this post if not for finding this wonderful and difficult challenge. Every year in November, since 2013, all of my free time has been focused on writing.
Finally this year Hubby gets it. He made plans to take an intense training class this weekend and he knew it would be fine because it was November and of course I would be busy writing. Winning the first year gave me the confidence to believe I really was a writer. It also gave me the knowledge in each of the years that followed to tell myself that I’ve done it before and I can certainly do it again.
Every time I find something in my life that seems too hard and I think it can’t be done, I tell myself you’ll never know if you don’t at least try and if you can win NaNoWriMo, you can do ANYTHING!
If you can win NaNoWriMo, you can do ANYTHING! Click To TweetEvery year has been a little different. Some years I get off to a really late or slow start, some years I lose confidence in my story mid-month and have trouble picking up the pace again, some years I get sick and struggle with keeping up and recovering at the same time. I hate it when I hear other writers give up before the month is half over with excuses that they don’t have time, but I have worked full time every year and still squeezed in the time to write at least 50,000 words. You have to want to win enough to give up watching tv, NetFlix, social media, hanging out with friends and family, cleaning the house, cooking fancy meals or whatever it is that takes up your time the rest of the year. If you want to write a novel, you will make time. I didn’t say it would be easy, far from it. Some days, the words just flow and other days you have to really dig deep to find them and struggle to pull them out and get them written at all.
But, my friends, you will never know if you don’t try. If you try and fail at least you tried. If you don’t bother trying at all, you have already failed, now haven’t you. Write on!
Some days, the words just flow and other days you have to really dig deep to find them and struggle to pull them out and get them written at all. This is the life of a writer. Click To TweetThis post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Repeat
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.