June 7 2018

Return (Five Minute Friday)

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Return was the word given as a prompt last Friday. Every time I sat down to write for 5 minutes on the word, something sidetracked me. I kept returning to the task all week with the same results. Now I return one last time to either write this or give up and miss writing one of the Five Minute Friday prompts, which I have not done since I started. Streaking is big with me. I set a routine and I don’t like to break it, you know what I mean?

I find myself returning to the days when money was tight and we saved it wherever we could. So I have been cooking at home instead of eating out for the last few months. I returned to making the green smoothies every night (well, 5 or 6 nights each week anyway) so we would have breakfast ready to go each morning. I find I am really enjoying knowing I have the fruits and veggies handled so early in the day. It makes me feel like the eating for the day will go well when I do that.

I also returned to following FlyLady a little more closely. I feel like if I plan out my goals and follow the baby steps to reach them I will be successful in achieving them. I am even setting daily reading goals because there are so many books I want to read before the library demands them back. I figure out how long I have till they make me return it and how many pages I must read each day so I can finish the book before I return it. This is actually working. It is almost like giving myself homework, but really it is about giving my brain focus instead of letting it flit around willy nilly.

What can you return to that will help get your life back under control?

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Return
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

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Posted June 7, 2018 by Karen Beidelman in category "Five Minute Friday