September 26 2019

Review: “Steamables” Red Potatoes

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I have found a new and easy “cheat” for dinner time. Yep, you guessed it. These little bags of potatoes can be bought at my local Meijer store for just $2.99. These are just perfect for the two of us with no leftovers and no way for us to overeat. They are so perfect and yummy straight from the bag, hot out of the microwave. No need for butter or toppings of any kind. They are delicious just the way they are and Hubby agrees.

The flavor is so good, I eat them naked. Not me, silly! The potatoes are naked, I am fully clothed while eating, I assure you. We have splurged on these little gems about three times so far. Yes, I know you can get a lot more potato for you money in a much bigger bag, but sometimes it is all about convenience and portion control.


Yes, I can read. The bag says it contains four servings. That means the photos below contain two servings each. There were exactly eight small potatoes in this particular bag, and yes, we each ate four potatoes or two whole servings each. No, I am not skinny, why do you ask? Note the potatoes below may appear larger than actual size. It’s a close-up folks. I was doing my level best to capture the yummy taste in a photo, no do NOT lick your screen. Just go get a bag and give them a try if you want. They aren’t cheap as potatoes go, but perhaps you could give up one of those fancy coffees “they” think you are buying all the time and busting your budget all to pieces for and try something new for a change.

Yes, I cut through that potato with just the side of my fork. They are that tender.

These were so good, I just had to tell you about them. If you have tried them, let us know what YOU thought in the comments below.

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Posted September 26, 2019 by Karen Beidelman in category "Review