October 2 2018

31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes Challenge

This post is part of the 31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes Challenge. Scroll down for the links and the graphic showing the prompts for the month.

It will be pinned to the top of the page until the end of the month. Check back for updates on the prompts. I may write several at a time and update just a couple of times a week. I seriously considered not posting any at all until all 31 were written. But that seemed like a long time to let myself possibly get behind. So I will post at least once a week. Five Minute Friday posts will be posted separately as they have been and linked to this post. I may not write them in order and I might add to some after I have posted if something else comes to me.

1 [story] Tell me a story, we would say to our Mom. She knew what we meant. We wanted her to read us a story. We wanted the close interaction where we knew we had her attention even if we had to share it between the four of us. Sometimes when we were still small enough one of us would get to climb in her lap and see the pictures in the book while she read to us, assuming the book had pictures anyway.
I suppose my love of reading and even writing can be traced back to those early stories Mom read to us. It helped us understand that words had the power to transport you into worlds you might never get to see otherwise and meet people from other countries or even planets. Nothing was impossible in a story. The author could tell you something from their own life or make something up. It didn’t matter if it was true or not, only that it was interesting to hear or read.
Words build stories and stories build imagination and imagination can take you anywhere! Read to the children in your life, because doing so could completely change their life forever for the better.

2 [afraid] In 2017, I chose my first ever word of the year. I chose the word FEARLESS to guide me through the year. To read more about my year of being fearless, please see the post from January 11, 2018. Don’t be afraid to choose a word of the year to guide you, often the word chooses you. Just give it some thought, there is plenty of time to select one before the new year begins.

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October 29 2017

31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes Challenge (completed 10/29/17)

This post is part of the 31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes Challenge. Scroll down for the links and the graphic showing the prompts for the month.

It will be pinned to the top of the page until the end of the month. Check back for updates on the prompts. I may write several at a time and update just a couple of times a week. I seriously considered not posting any at all until all 31 were written. But that seemed like a long time to let myself possibly get behind. So I will post at least once a week. FiveMinuteFriday posts will be posted separately as they have been. Continue reading