June 23 2018

Ocean (Five Minute Friday)


When you look in the mirror, do you have an ocean of regrets? Do you see all the things you ate that you should have passed on? Don’t let these negative thoughts drown your good intentions now. Think instead of all the good choices you have made. The time you passed on dessert and had an extra serving of salad instead. Think of every time you chose to drink water instead of alcohol, fruit juice, or soda. Think of the times you chose the healthier option when having a meal out with a friend or your family.

We are presented with an ocean of choices that affect our health and fitness every day as we go about our life. If you choose wisely eighty percent of the time you are still doing good things for your body and your health. Please, don’t dwell on the twenty percent of the time when you just can’t resist that yummy dessert your elderly aunt or grandmother so lovingly made and offered to you. You won’t have the opportunity to bond with that relative forever and it isn’t a failure if one out of every five decisions you make is less than ideal. Give yourself credit for the four other decisions you made that were the good and right choices. You could have chosen badly all five times, but you didn’t. That is four successes for every one failure. Maybe if you change the way you look at it, you will make five out of five choices in a positive way next time.

You wouldn’t slash the other three tires just because your car had one go flat, so why give up on trying to make healthier choices just because you chose the less than ideal choice this time? You don’t have to drink an ocean of water all at once. Just get a glass and drink it one cup at a time. Add a little more each day until you are consistently drinking water more than anything else. Make a healthy choice as often as you can and keep stacking those good choices up and eventually, the stack of good will far outreach the stack of bad choices you make in any given day. As long as you make more good and healthy choices than bad and unhealthy ones,  you ARE making progress and you CAN continue to do better each day.

What choices have you been making toward building the stack of good choices? Please share them in the comments below so we can all learn from your example.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Ocean
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.