August 2 2018

6 Writing Idea Generators

I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have no inspiration to write. I know, shocking, right?

When this happens, there are several things you or I can do to get over it. I am going to share six of them here.

1) One-Word Prompts

One of my favorites is using the one word prompts given each week at These one-word prompts always seem to turn into something, though I won’t even pretend they are always easy to write to. Knowing that at least fifty other people are going to be writing and posting about the same word in the next week helps me not to admit defeat and give up on any specific week/word.

So, what if you randomly opened any book with your eyes closed and chose a word by pointing your finger down on the page? It could work. Since no one else would know, you could always pick a different word on the page if the one your finger landed on doesn’t inspire you to write for at least five minutes the way one of its neighboring words does. Once you have your word, set a timer for at least five minutes and see how much you can write. Remember to use the word you chose at least once. Continue reading

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