September 7 2017

Library Lovers Tag

Today I thought I would do something kind of fun. I’ve never used a tag to do a post before and saw this one on one of my favorite YouTube channels.

1. How often do you visit your local library?
Only when I have a hold to pick up.

2. Are you the type of person who checks out more books than you know you can read or are you someone who only checks out the exact amount of books you intend on reading before they are due?
More than I can probably read, but I just keep renewing them if they are paper books.

3. How old were you when you got your first library card?
Probably fifth grade when the research talks started.

4. Do you go to your library looking for a particular book or do you check out anything that peaks your interest?
Neither actually. I usually use the website and search for books and then request them on hold and only go to the actual library when I have a hold to pickup or a meeting in the building.

5. Do you use your library to check out just books or do you also check out DVDs, audio books etc.?
I have checked out DVDs, CDs, and even audiobooks on cassette or CD in the past but right now I mostly choose audio books or ebooks and only do the paper books if neither of the other options is available.

6. From what section of your library do you check out a majority of your books? ( YA, middle grade, adult, nonfiction.)
Adult, Inspirational Fiction mostly, but writing craft books or self-help books would be a close second.

7. What is your favorite part of using your local library?
The price. You can’t beat FREE!

Found on Tamara Woods’ Vlog: (Published on Aug 21, 2017)

This tag was created by PiandBooks:

If you have a tag that you’d like me to do, leave a comment below and I will seriously consider it. This was kind of fun.

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