Reading as Personal Development

As many of you know, I am an avid reader. When I hear about a book I want to read I write it down in my Bullet Journal on the page for recommended books along with who recommended it. I then go to my local library’s website and check to see if it is available as an audiobook. If not audio, then ebook would be my next choice, with paper books coming in as the third choice.
It kind of depends on what sort of book it is, really. If it is one that will have lots of illustrations and charts I will need to flip back and forth to, then obviously, a hard copy of the book would be the logical choice. If it is something that I might enjoy listening to or being able to consume while driving, an audiobook is the best choice. One of the tricks I use for reading more books each year is to listen to them while I do mundane tasks around the house like loading the dishwasher, tidying the kitchen or folding/hanging laundry. I also tend to listen to most audiobooks at 1.4 to 1.8 speed to help keep my mind from wandering as it tends to do at the slower 1.0 normal speed. I choose books where others might choose to watch television or scroll through social media. I choose the library because we simply couldn’t afford to buy all the books I read and we would have long ago run out of room to store them all. I rarely read a book a second time, choosing instead to read something new to me instead. Life is too short and there are so many books waiting for my attention. Continue reading