June 21 2018

Restore (Five Minute Friday)


Ok, here we go again. It is Thursday and I’m not sure what happened to all the time between last Friday and now but I am determined to get this entry written and posted before the linkup closes and the word prompt for tomorrow is posted.

This week, I have spent many hours helping go through the photos of an elderly family member. This helps restore my faith in the family because the memories this person chose to save were mostly those of family members. There was a huge collection of all the birth, marriage, and death announcements for this family going back at least sixty or seventy years. It was sad sorting through everything knowing it couldn’t all be kept but being able to help make the decisions on what did get to be kept and who to give the photos to when the person no longer has use of them. In many cases, the photos were those taken of scenery on vacations over the years. Some of them were amazingly good considering the cameras they must have been taken on at the time. I found myself wondering what could be done with them other than having them end up in a landfill somewhere. They really were pretty but had no meaning to anyone who wasn’t on that vacation with them. Most were of interesting flowers or animals taken mostly so they could remember the experience of the trip.

I began to think that maybe digital photos are the green way to go because, to be honest, most of us take loads of photos with our smartphones but very few of those ever get printed out at all and even fewer in the way we used to get prints when we had the film developed.

Some of the photos saved were blurry or of some indistinguishable object or place. Those were the easy decisions to make. One of the hardest things about the task was that very few of the photos had anything at all written on the back to tell us who the people in them were so we had to guess in many cases. PLEASE, I beg you to date and label your photos! At least write the date of the trip and the location on the envelope from the film developing. Someday, even YOU might not remember anymore.

PLEASE, I beg you to date and label your photos! At least write the date of the trip and the location on the envelope from the film developing. Someday, even YOU might not remember anymore. Click To Tweet

Well, time is up for this post, but you will likely see another one in the next day or so unless I let it fall through the cracks like I almost did with this one. Thanks for reading my ramblings. Hopefully, I can restore my sense of timeliness and get back on track with these. I hate to get behind or miss posting one completely.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Restore
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.