March 9 2018

Saving for Big-Ticket Items

When you need to save for a big-ticket item, like a trip to London, or a really cool new camera, or something equally cool that you wouldn’t normally get a loan for like a new car, how do you save the money for it? I do all sorts of things, whatever it takes really, if the goal is truly important to me, so I will share some ideas below.

The very first thing I would do is to set up a separate account to put the money into so you can be motivated by the act of saving and watching the account balance grow. Once you’ve done that, try any or all of these ideas to help you meet your goal.

  • Save all pocket change, roll, and deposit. I saved pennies in one 16.9 oz Ice Mountain water bottle and nickels and dimes in another. I am told if you fill one with just dimes, it will hold about $100. We deposited over $130 in rolled coins to start our account this way, though admittedly, it was mostly quarters and we had been saving them a long time.
  • Choose NOT to do something, then transfer the money you would have spent on the thing you chose NOT to do, into the account for the big-ticket item. In our case, this was going to a cabin in a state park over New Year’s weekend.
  • Cook at home instead of eating out. Watch your food budget get lower and save the difference. Note that you pay extra for convenience foods, so make as much from scratch as you can, or buy extra to stock up when you find a good sale price on something you use.
  • If you really want to eat out, use a 2 for 1 coupon and save the difference, or if you are eating out alone get the second meal to take for lunch or eat for dinner later in the week.
  • Make your own iced tea, coffee, hot tea or whatever your beverage of choice is. Save the money you would have spent and put it into the big ticket account.
  • Give up paying for drinks if and when you go out to eat. We all need to drink more water. This can save anywhere from a dollar to several dollars per person, and let’s not even think about buying alcohol out, get it from the liquor store and drink at home you will save so much this way.
  • Save all overtime pay or freelancing money in the big-ticket account.
  • If you pay off a debt, take the amount you used to pay toward that debt and save it for the big ticket item or pay that amount extra toward the next debt so it gets paid off earlier and when the debts are paid, ALL the money formerly used to pay these debts can go toward the big-ticket item. Dave Ramsey calls this the debt snowball.


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August 3 2017

Back To School $ Savers

When the month of July comes to an end, it can only mean one thing. It is time to take advantage of all those great back to school sales. Now, some of you may be saying to yourself that you don’t have school age children. That’s fine. There are some really great deals to be had if you watch the ads. We used to buy the limit when we found ten cent spiral notebooks or fifty cent filler paper and composition notebooks.

Glue is another one of those things they like to put on ridiculously low sales. I thought we would never use those four bottles of Elmer’s Glue All that I had gotten super cheap, but then a project would come up where paper mache was called for and then it was the glue to the rescue. You’ll be happy to shop from your personal stash of supplies that you got for pennies on the dollar instead of full price at the grocery or drug store in the middle of the night when your child comes to you in a panic because the project is due tomorrow and they forgot all about it until they were almost asleep.

So my friend, even if you really don’t see yourself using these supplies, consider getting the super cheap ones and donate them to the local elementary school. There will always be students who don’t have the proper supplies and these often end up being purchased by the underpaid teacher. Often times an organization will put together themed baskets for a fundraiser silent auction. There is almost always a basket of school supplies. You can also make a coloring basket with twenty-five cent sale boxes of crayons and dollar store coloring books. The same idea can work with colored pencils and adult coloring books. Perhaps some erasable ink pens and crossword puzzle books would make another nice basket. A nursing home might have some residents who would love to have coloring books and crayons in the activities room for the residents to use. A homeless shelter would most likely be happy to take those unused school supplies off your hands. You may have to think outside the crayon box, but I’m quite sure you will be able to either put the supplies to use in your home or office and if not, then there are countless numbers of places that would be happy to have your few dollars worth of supplies.

Once school is in full swing, maybe September or October, keep your eyes open for clearance sales. We have gotten some wire shelves meant for inside school lockers, notebooks, binders, label makers and all sorts of great stuff that rarely goes on those super low sales at unheard of prices. Many of the things you might use to decorate a dorm room or send your college student off with will be on sale then too. Think about things like twin sized sheet sets, blankets, organizing bins, cork and dry erase boards and that sort of thing. Not typical school supplies, but very useful in many places that are not college dorm rooms or student apartments.

So, have I gotten you motivated to at least look at the sales flyers with a more careful eye to savings even if you don’t have students at your house?

Feel free to tell us about the best deals you have found on “school supplies” in the comments below.

April 13 2017

Tips & Tricks to save you $

I have been told that I should be sharing some of the things I have learned during my thirty plus years of marriage and living in the world and dealing with life. Here are a few tips for saving money I came up with off the top of my head.

Email Sign Ups

One tip that comes to mind this month especially is that you should always sign up for the notifications from your favorite restaurants and retail shops. Why? Well, during the month of your birthday, your inbox might be flooded with offers of free things at some of these favorite places. In the past, this has happened as soon as the month of my birthday arrives. This year it seems to be a bit slower trickling in, but still, some offers have arrived. Sure, you will get emails through the year as well, but you know how to delete the ones that don’t interest you, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

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