March 22 2018

Review: MyHeritage Family Tree Builder

I have been hooked on genealogy since the fifth grade. I was away from my genealogy research for the past twelve years because I hadn’t figured out how to fit it in with working full-time again. As I test various programs to try to find the best fit for my current self, I will review them for you here. This time, I will be reviewing MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, but you probably got that from the title.

I took a class offered by a local library a few weeks ago and learned just how far online genealogy has come while I was away from my research. I need to replace my genealogy software because the program I used so long ago, Family Tree Maker 2006, is such an old version that only works on my old laptop that is running Windows Vista. Yikes! It boots and runs the software but doesn’t go online or play nice most of the time and thus I am shopping for current software and asking myself if I should look around before I just buy the latest version of what I have used for as long as I have had computers.

I looked for genealogy software that would work on multiple devices without having to buy more than one copy. I want to run it on my Windows 7 desktop, my Surface Pro 2 running Windows 10 and my Android smartphone. So far, I am testing out MyHeritage Family Tree Builder. I chose this one to start with because it is free for up to 250 people and would work on my various devices. Continue reading

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