April 11 2019

Green Smoothie Recipes

My favorite green smoothie recipe these days is one born of trying to avoid the plague that is always going around work. I have been making this one a few days each week in an attempt to keep Hubby ( and myself) healthy.

Lazy C Green Smoothie
2 cups Orange Juice (with Calcium)
2 cups Spinach
3 cups Mixed Frozen Fruit Blend (peaches, mangoes, pineapple, strawberries)

These were created out of boredom with the recipes I usually use or because I needed to make a smoothie out of whatever was on hand.
I usually try to follow the basic recipe of 2 cups liquid, 2 cups greens and 3 cups fruit (some frozen, preferably). I find this recipe works best if at least one of the cups of fruit is a sweeter fruit such as mango, banana or grapes.

Purple Passions Green Smoothie
2 cups Kale (or Spinach)
2 cups Coconut Water
1/4 cup Beets (roasted)
1 cup Blueberries
1 cup Grapes
1 cup Greek Yogurt (Fat-Free)

Cider-Berry Green Smoothie
1 1/2 cups Apple Cider
2 cups Spinach (or Kale)
3 cups Triple Berry Mix (frozen)
1 Banana

For all of these recipes, measure the liquid in the blender first, then add the greens and blend until smooth. Add fruit and blend again until smooth. Make sure the blender lid is on securely and that the buttons cannot accidentally be pushed while loading in more fruit. Guess how I know this is important?

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I make my blender full of smoothie at night before going to bed and put them in the refrigerator in my favorite Tupperware cups with lids that include a hole for the straw and are practically spill proof. These days I usually split them into two cups, but sometimes I have a little extra smoothie, which I pour into the tall skinny snack-sized zip-top bags. I then stand it up in the refrigerator and pack it into my lunch and drink it at work by simply opening the zipper just enough to insert a straw and then sealing it as much as I can around the straw. This works great because these bags are made of thicker plastic closer to a freezer bag than the storage bags. If there is a lot left over, I just split them into 3 cups instead of two.

I learned all about how to make green smoothies in 2014 on SimpleGreenSmoothies.com.
I participated in many of their 30-day Green Smoothie challenges and made a binder with all the recipes from those challenges. I also bought their book, Simple Green Smoothies, and use it regularly.

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March 7 2019

Finding Time for Hobbies

Do you have hobbies? Do you make time to enjoy your hobbies regularly? Maybe you are like so many others who wish they could fit in the time for their hobbies but just don’t know where to find the time.

A few years ago I decided to find help with finishing the crochet rug I had started in a class but then got busy and put it away to finish later. The problem was that when later came, I couldn’t figure out how to pick back up where I left off. I decided to take it to my family’s Thanksgiving gathering and ask my Aunt Mary if she could help me figure out how to finish the project. She wasn’t used to crocheting with such a huge hook, but the stitches are still the same and she took one look and knew it was a single crochet stitch, but I had no clue back then. She got me started and I kept going until it was finished that day. I decided then and there that if I was going to crochet I would have to do it regularly so I wouldn’t forget again. I didn’t start any other crochet projects for a long time, and by the time I did want to do another rug, YouTube was a thing.

YouTube is amazing for teaching you practically anything you want to learn and you can rewatch or pause and step your way through the video as often as you need to until you know what you are doing. If one person’s way of demonstrating a crochet stitch doesn’t work for you just look for someone else demonstrating the same stitch.

So you are wondering no doubt if I am completely off topic or if I am going to share ideas to help you find time for your hobbies after all.

1 Find Events to Attend

When I started that second rug, it went well enough but the rug ended up looking like an infant-sized basket instead of a flat rug. I found a group that met once a month at my local library that would offer help if needed and let me meet others who also knitted or crocheted. You can read about How I Learned to Crochet if you like. I found two more groups that all meet once a month for about two hours. I rarely crochet at home, but I look forward to meeting up with these three groups of fellow yarnslingers and this means I can get about three hats a month crocheted for charity if nothing else.

2 Give Up Social Media 

Now don’t panic and start throwing things. You might just want to give up one form of social media for a month and see how it goes while still using the others. Maybe you could just declare an hour or two a week a social media free hours and use that time to work on one of your hobbies. We could all stand to cut back on the scrolling through our feed thing.

3 Find a Friend and Make a Hobby Date

Maybe your hobby is running or swimming or trying new flavors of ice cream or scrapbooking. I bet you have a friend who also enjoys this hobby or would like to get started. Make a date and do only hobby-related stuff. If you don’t have a friend who enjoys the same hobby, see number 1 above and make a new friend.

4 Teach Your Hobby

Maybe you need to make a little extra so you have a part-time job. Maybe you just want to share the love of your chosen hobby with others. Either way, you could teach it to one person or sign up to teach a class. You get to share something you love and spend time doing it at the same time.

5 Hobby While You Wait

Maybe you want to find more time to read, knit or draw. These are all things that could be kept in a tote bag or backpack specifically for those times when you find yourself waiting at the doctor’s office or the pickup line at school. You can also do these things while sitting and watching

6 Find a New Hobby

If you are finding it hard to fit your current hobby into your schedule, maybe you need to find a new hobby that is easier to fit into your schedule. Be open to trying new things.

7 Find Common Hobbies

If you have hobbies in common with those you are already spending your time with, you can all hobby together. Maybe the family could go hiking together on weekends? If you are looking for something you can do with others, look into Letterboxing or GeoCaching. Both are fun ways to explore your area and get a little exercise and fresh air.

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