June 13 2019

Tuna Salad

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I recently made an old favorite that we haven’t had in quite a while. What did I make you ask? Tuna salad. Nothing special, you say? I beg to differ. Mine is not quite the usual recipe. I refrigerate the tuna before I make it still in the cans so it is cold and ready to serve right away. You don’t have to do this, but it is best to refrigerate for at least a couple of hours after making it if you don’t so everything gets cold and the flavors have a chance to mingle.

Karen’s Tuna Salad

6 cans tuna packed in water (not oil)
1-1/2 cups diced celery
1-1/2 cups diced green pepper
sweet pickle relish to taste
Light mayo to creamy texture

We (my daughter and I) figured out it doesn’t matter how many cans of tuna you use, the magic ratio of crunchy green stuff to tuna is 1/4 cup each of celery and green pepper for each small can of tuna you use. My daughter and I disagree on what type of relish needs to be used, she likes dill relish, and I can’t imagine it without sweet relish.

We drain the water off the tuna so it doesn’t make the final product all watery. I usually dice the celery to 1/4 inch or smaller, the tuna is fairly smooth and not as chunky as chicken for chicken salad would be, so I think it works best to have the veggies diced small, but you do what you want. Some times I get lazy and hurried and cut them bigger just to speed things up. I usually mix it all up in my 8-cup Pyrex glass measuring cup.

Stir in the light mayo and relish until you get the right combination of texture and taste.

Then I store it in small, single-serve plastic containers about 1 cup in each. This makes it quick to grab a container when packing lunches. We just take the bread or wraps we want to use with the tuna along in a separate bag or container.

We enjoyed it so much we ate it all up before I could take a photo to show you how yummy it looks, but if I remember to take a picture the next time I make it I will add it in. Obviously, you can use the tuna from a pouch or larger cans, but the small 5 or 6 oz cans are usually what they sell at Aldi, so that is what I use. So just adjust the recipe to fit the amount of tuna you are using.

Please let me know how you like this special treat. Remember that making meals at home and packing your lunch for work or school are great ways to save money.

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Posted June 13, 2019 by Karen Beidelman in category "Money Saving", "Recipes