What I have been watching…

In the past, I have watched almost entirely movies on NetFlix. One of my kids has a subscription and allows me to watch for free. Yes, I am cheap and frugal. I never wanted to watch series shows because I know my limits when it comes to stopping after an episode or two. Recently, I started watching a series because I didn’t want the time commitment of a movie, so a series seemed like an excellent alternative. So, without a doubt, you are wondering what I am watching. I saw a show that peaked my interest because I remembered a similar show from way back. I have been watching Queer Eye. I have to say I have really been enjoying the show. I like how they not only update the victim’s wardrobe, but also fix up the person’s living space or workplace, and teach them how to make a few dishes to liven up their food choices. Often, the person whose life is getting made over has issues in their lives they haven’t dealt with and the Fab 5 take turns counseling the person by using experiences from their own lives. This is cool because in the process they let the viewers get to know them a little better too.
Watching a series has been an exercise in self control. In the past, I would watch episode after episode until I had binge watched the entire series. In some cases we would check the seasons of a particular show out on DVD from the local library and need to watch them all before the 21 day checkout period was over because they were due back and we couldn’t renew them. We couldn’t just stop in the middle of a season. I like watching shows that were once on television and full of commercial breaks, but now take only 45 minutes or less to watch each hour long show with all the commercials removed. I find I can fit an episode in easily without having to stop in the middle because it is bedtime or dinner time.
As I write this post, I am in a co-working space where we meet regularly to write together. On the other side of the glass windows that divide our conference room from the lobby of the next area, is some sort of musical dancing group practicing a huge part of my childhood. I realize I am dating myself now, but you already know I am a member of the over fifty club, but they are practicing various songs from School House Rock! So far, I have heard “A Noun Is A Person, Place Or Thing”, “Conjunction Junction”, and “Elbow Room”. This seems oh so appropriate when we are sitting around a big conference room table typing away at our laptops. Here I am in the middle of writing and wanting so badly to go home and binge watch my complete collection of School house Rock on DVD.
So, what have you found yourself in the middle of lately? What was your favorite School House Rock song? What series or movie do your recommend I watch next on NetFlix?
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Middle
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.
Hello there! I love Netflix… I haven’t watched the last season or the newly released season of Queer Eye but I do love that show! Maybe I need to start that one up again! My biggest ‘problem’ with series on Netflix is that my husband wants to watch with me –but he is SLOW and most definitely NOT a Binge-watcher! LOL! I just watched Always Be My Maybe this afternoon… it was cute! Not a series though… I guess we haven’t watched anything lately as I am drawing a blank! Gilmore Girls or West Wing is always a back up to re-watch in our Queue!
I have actually already seen that movie! I have a tracker in my bullet journal where I list the movies I watch each year.