March 24 2018

Routine (Five Minute Friday)

Routines are the key to success. Whatever we can create a routine for, and thus put on auto-pilot, will get done without us even realizing we are doing it.

I learned about routines from Marla Cilley, better known as The FlyLady.

Think about the things you do every morning when you get up. Those are routine because you do them every morning. When was the last time you forgot to get dressed before going to school or work? See, getting dressed is routine.

Perhaps you have a routine for getting ready for bed each night. Have you driven somewhere and gotten there without realizing you had gotten past certain landmarks? That is kind of scary but your brain knew so well what it was doing that it did it and you didn’t have to think about it because it was automatic.

One of the things I like to make automatic is paying bills. When I set them up to pay automatically, I don’t have to worry about them being late of having to pay late fees.

When I get out of my car it is my routine to lock it. Some have asked why I beep it when I could just click the locks inside before I get out and the doors would lock behind me. I tell them that doing so makes me aware that I still have my keys with me and lets anyone watching know that it is locked and they may as well not bother it.

Routines can save us time and money. You already have routines, but perhaps they are not productive routines and you need to work on establishing better ones. FlyLady recommends choosing your clothes the night before and gathering everything up. This saves a ton of time and is especially helpful when something goes wrong and you don’t wake up with your alarm.

If it is your routine to clean your car and fill it with fuel every Friday, that frees you up the rest of the week from having to worry about fitting this chore into your schedule. It is also a great way of getting ready to enjoy your weekend no matter what you have planned.

You might want to write down your routines and ask yourself if they are working well for you. You may not even realize what your routines are but just record what you catch yourself doing without thinking about doing it. What could you tweak in your current routines to make them serve you even better?

What could you tweak in your current routines to make them serve you even better? Click To Tweet

Do you do certain things on a particular day each week? That is also a routine and there is comfort in having them. You know there is a time for everything that way.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Routine
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

March 22 2018

Provide (Five Minute Friday)

Well, it has been a busy week and I am just getting around to writing last Friday’s Five Minute Friday Post. The prompt last week was Provide. If you’ve never read the various posts, I’m sure any of the others will be better than mine, but here goes.

One of the first things I do when I get a prompt that doesn’t immediately spark an idea is to look to see what Bible verses there are about the word in question. So, here are the verses that caught my attention.

1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Genesis 50:21 NIV So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

John 16:23-24 ESV In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

Philippians 4:19 ESV And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

John 15:7 NIV If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

Have no fear He will provide.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Provide
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

March 22 2018

Review: MyHeritage Family Tree Builder

I have been hooked on genealogy since the fifth grade. I was away from my genealogy research for the past twelve years because I hadn’t figured out how to fit it in with working full-time again. As I test various programs to try to find the best fit for my current self, I will review them for you here. This time, I will be reviewing MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, but you probably got that from the title.

I took a class offered by a local library a few weeks ago and learned just how far online genealogy has come while I was away from my research. I need to replace my genealogy software because the program I used so long ago, Family Tree Maker 2006, is such an old version that only works on my old laptop that is running Windows Vista. Yikes! It boots and runs the software but doesn’t go online or play nice most of the time and thus I am shopping for current software and asking myself if I should look around before I just buy the latest version of what I have used for as long as I have had computers.

I looked for genealogy software that would work on multiple devices without having to buy more than one copy. I want to run it on my Windows 7 desktop, my Surface Pro 2 running Windows 10 and my Android smartphone. So far, I am testing out MyHeritage Family Tree Builder. I chose this one to start with because it is free for up to 250 people and would work on my various devices. Continue reading

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March 16 2018

Beginning Genealogy

Genealogy has always been a big part of my life. I was recently looking online for the obituaries of my in-laws and stumbled across many obituaries for the other family in town that shares this surname. There are two distinct families and while I have always suspected that a name that unusual has to be connected somewhere back in time, I cannot prove it. So as I came across an obit that I know belongs to the other family, I copied it into a separate document just for that family with the intention of trying to figure out where our lines connect up.

Yesterday, I got the genealogy software I am testing working and needed data to plug into it to see how it works. The day has arrived to try to make sense of the other family and see how far back I can trace it. I began with what was the deceased patriarch and entered what I learned from his obit into the software. I added parents here, siblings there, and children too. Then I went on to do the same with all the other obits and info I had found. When I got finished, I had a fairly extended family and my sample family tree database had 66 people in it. I had names for a few of the under thirty set but was unclear where they fit into the tree I had created. It was kind of fun to see how much I could figure out without actually knowing the people I was researching.

Would it be easier if they were MY people? Absolutely! It would be nice to have names and documents to back up what I was finding. My rule was that I didn’t need it to be perfect it was just a test and I felt certain I would get stopped by lack of information almost before I got started. There are some people I am still not clear on, but I was even able to put together a fairly clear picture of some of the in-laws’ families. I was doing most of this without the benefit of typical genealogy research that I would normally do on my own lines. After about ten hours of messing around, I was very pleased with the results of my research and it was late, so I decided to call it a night.

Today, I decided that I had enough of a skeleton of the family to be able to find the patriarch and his generation in the 1940 census, which is the most recent one available to us. The program was alerting me right and left that there were potential matches, but of course, when I clicked to see these matches, they wanted me to pay for a subscription to see the little carrots of information they were dangling in front of me. No thanks. I decided to just Google the surname and city and see what that led me to. Well, it led me to loads of stuff about our family but also many bits and pieces about the other family as well. I was able to find photos to put with many of the names I had found yesterday. I had only four photos from obits before today, but now I have many more.

The problem I have now is one faced by all genealogists; how to protect the identities and privacy of living people. On the one hand, there is nothing I have found that is not freely accessible to the entire world, but on the other hand, I don’t have to put it all together and make it easy for some unscrupulous person to find either. Since my goal was and still is, to try to connect the two distinct families somewhere back in time, I decided to focus my research on the patriarch and try to go back from there. At some point, if I do make the connection between our families, I may reach out and see if any of them are interested in what I have found.

The problem I have now is one faced by all genealogists; how to protect the identities and privacy of living people. Click To Tweet

For now, this is all just an experiment to see how much I remember about genealogy research, how much things have changed in the twelve years I have been almost entirely away from it, to find what I can about our family along the way, and mostly to connect the two family lines or prove that they do not connect.

So, if you have always wanted to research your family, start at home and gather the family Bible if the births, marriages, and deaths get recorded in it and make copies of those pages and the title page. This is your first source document. If you are going to do this, be sure to always cite your sources from the very start. Title pages are important too, make a note on the title page of the date and place you found the source if it was in a library. Trust me, you may need to look in that book again sometime and will be glad to know which research facility you found it in.

You need to prove each connection as you go. Grab your birth certificate and make a copy for your files. It has your parents listed on it and is proof that they are your parents and when and where you were born. If your parents are still alive, ask them for copies of their birth and marriage certificates too. You can keep this up until you get back to the early 1900s or late 1800s. You can send off for the death certificates of your relatives if they have passed away, but you will need those birth certificates you have collected to prove you are related to them. I recently ordered several death certificates from the state and for each one I ordered, I had to prove I was the niece or grand-daughter of that person. This is why I tell you to start with yourself and collect the proof documents along the way.

As I so recently found out, it is not difficult to find information online about your family. You will need to be careful about trusting the information you find in many of the online family trees. Even an obituary is only as accurate as the knowledge of the person who acted as the informant, you will still need to prove these facts are true. An obituary or online family tree is not a source, but rather hearsay, until proven. So, trust but verify everything you find. Hopefully, you will be able to find trees that have proven all the facts with the source documents listed so you will just need to get copies of the primary source documents for yourself.

An obituary or online family tree is not a source, but rather hearsay, until proven. So, trust but verify everything you find. Click To Tweet

Have fun researching your family, and by all means, feel free to post questions in the comments below or contact me directly. I will do whatever I can to help you.

March 9 2018

Tired (Five Minute Friday)

Tired, Kate says. Let me tell you about being tired. I have sleep apnea. So does my husband. I recognized it in him first and he scared me half to death when after years of hearing him snore almost constantly during our marriage, I realized he would stop snoring for long periods of time. I used a small cassette recorder to tape him. When I played it for him during the next day, I got so mad because he wasn’t taking it seriously. All he said was, “Cool! I didn’t know I could hold my breath that long.” I made him talk to the doctor and of course, he had to do a sleep study. He was apparently one of the worst cases they had seen. He was fitted for a Bi-Pap machine that night during the first sleep study because he was waking up 85 times an hour. Think about that for a minute. He was waking up eighty-five times in sixty minutes. No wonder he couldn’t stay awake long enough to watch a tv show! Getting the sleep machine changed both our lives, for the better.

A year or two later, I woke up with my uvula swollen and dangling down touching my tongue and gagging me. Something is not right about that, I thought. So I went to see the doctor and they had me do a sleep study. Let me tell you, it is not quite like sleeping in a nice hotel like they say it will be. Why? Because you know someone is watching you sleep and that makes you nervous. Then there are the globs of clay with wires coming out stuck all over in your hair…not fun. Oh, and let’s not forget the little wires stuck to your chest and such and the wires coming in and out of your pajamas. Nope, no hotel has ever asked me to sleep under those conditions. I knew about sleep apnea since hubby has it, so I tried my best to get through the very long night and sleep without thinking too much about the things connected to my body and that if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I have to wait for help to unhook me before I can walk to the bathroom. Not to worry, if I talk or sit up, they will ask me if everything is alright. The voice asking is heard through an intercom system in the room and somewhat like a disembodied voice, not strange at all, right?

The night finally faded into morning and I was allowed to get up and get cleaned up and wash all that yucky stuff out of my hair. Someone had to read the sleep study (watch the videotape of me sleeping while looking at the data collected by all those wires they had stuck all over me). They would get back to me and let me know if I needed to do another sleep study. I was so glad it was over.

It turned out that I had sleep apnea also, but not nearly to the extent hubby does, so I was fitted with a C-Pap machine of my own and I got my life back. I knew I was tired all the time, what mother isn’t? I never got enough sleep, so I blamed that for my being tired all the time. Even after the diagnosis and sleep machine, I was still tired, but I no longer dozed off at stop lights or when I would sit down to read bed-time stories to the kids. I could watch tv shows and even movies without dozing off most of the time.

Now, most of you are probably thinking I have over-shared personal information. However, if even one person reads this and sees themselves in what they read and goes to get it checked out, I will possibly have saved a life. To me, that makes it worth sharing that part of our medical history.

If you don’t sleep well, you may not even know. Not even I knew my hubby was waking up that often, and I surely had no idea I had a problem, until the swollen uvula issue. If you are tired all the time, often wake with a sore throat that goes away after a couple of hours only to return the next morning, or you find yourself dropping off during the day even for just a second, talk to your doctor about it. Getting my sleep apnea diagnosed and treated has been a game changer. That machine is my sleep buddy; it goes everywhere I travel. It doesn’t count as a carry-on because it is a medical device and I never put it in my checked luggage. I just don’t take that kind of chance with my sleeping buddy.

Go get your sleep issues checked out, the life you save could be your own.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Tired
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.