May 14 2017

Weekly Bullet Journal Spreads

It is time to share more of my Bullet Journal with all of you. Currently, I am about to finish with Week 19 in my bullet journal. I have learned a few things about what does and doesn’t work for me in the 18 weeks I have completed so far. The biggest thing I learned was what size boxes work for me. In the January Flip Through, you will notice there were only 2 weeks where I used the narrower boxes for each day in my weekly spread. Well, in truth, I knew after the first week I didn’t like that narrow size, but when I was drawing out week 2, I messed up and drew the skinny boxes before I caught myself, so I suffered through a second week with them. You will notice some subtle changes from week to week in the photos below, but the box layout is very consistent. I keep it that way because it works. Some days you will notice not much gets written in, while other days are pretty jam-packed.

Week 7 was the first week I tried using stickers to determine the theme. These are free stickers, recycled by cutting them off the free address labels that seem to show up from time to time in my mailbox. I never could use up all the addresses but the stickers to the left seemed too nice to throw away. So I have long made a habit of cutting them off and saving them. The hearts seemed like an obvious choice for the week. Continue reading

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May 12 2017

Goats on the Roof

On our recent trip to the Pigeon Forge area in Tennessee, we were driving around trying to find something in particular, when we passed something more interesting and got side tracked. We needed a place to turn around and the place we pulled into was called, oddly enough, Goats on the Roof.

We couldn’t help ourselves, we laughed when we saw the name of the place. Then, of course, we looked up on the roofs to see if they really had goats on the roof. Yep, them are goats. Sure enough. We didn’t stop for long that day because we really did have other plans. Continue reading

May 7 2017

Busy as a Bee

Do you ever find yourself flitting around from one thing to the next, always busy but rarely finishing anything completely? Yeah, me too. We find so many things to do that we are constantly busy. We find ourselves working on first one task then another task pushes in and interrupts us, so we try to give the new task some attention. Before either of the tasks can be given enough time and attention to get them completed, we find something else that demands our time.

Have you ever watched bees flying around? They seem fairly focused most of the time and if something chases them off task, they come right back to it. I recently found the time to sit still and just watch the bees around the cabin we stayed in for a week. I found myself fascinated and almost mesmerized by them. I decided to try to take some video of them. I was shocked that I didn’t mind having them fly around because I am usually afraid of bees because I am allergic to bee stings. These bees didn’t seem scary at all. They rarely came near me, but always seems to be plentiful around the exterior of the cabin.

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April 28 2017

The Cozy Chipmunk Cabin

By the time you read this, we will be on our way back from another relaxing week away from everyday life. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. The one below was taken on the way to our cabin on Friday night. It took us a little longer than expected to get out of the house and on the road, then we had to run a couple of errands on the way. So, it was after dark before we arrived at our home for the week. This is what we saw at the end of the road leading to our cabin, so we didn’t really know what to expect. Continue reading

April 22 2017

Peanut Slaw at Whisky’s

Hubby and I left on Friday, early afternoon, and drove toward Cincinnati, Ohio. Because it was my birthday and since we were going that way anyway, we decided to stop and have a late lunch in a cute little place in Lawrenceburg, Indiana called Whisky’s Restaurant. We had been there once many years ago. Back then, while waiting for a table, I talked to a local lady and asked what we had to try while we were there since it was our first time. She recommended Whisky’s famous Peanut Slaw. Our table was called only moments after her recommendation was given. When we placed our orders, we took her advice and tried it. I can’t remember what else we had that day, but the peanut slaw was memorable. So when we found ourselves in the general vicinity again, we decided to see if they were open for lunch this time. We were nervous as we pulled in because compared to last time when we had to wait at least 45 minutes to be seated, there were only a handful of cars in the parking lot. But luck was with us and they were indeed open, only a few tables seated.

We again ordered the peanut slaw and were not disappointed. Hubby also ordered the Gourmet Meatloaf with mashed potatoes (because it had a whiskey glaze I suspect, but also because the man really loves meatloaf). The slice of meatloaf was 2 inches thick. Very generous portions. I tried the Bangkok Chicken and it was good as well. Now you might be wondering what exactly peanut slaw is. I wondered the same thing my first time. It is a big scoop of some of the best coleslaw I have ever tasted that has been rained down upon by chopped peanuts. I thought I should take pictures to share with you, and I decided to take some of the menu too so you could see the offerings. (see all the photos below)

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