Here is the list of my 2018 Goals.
Spring Break Cabin Trip (March 23-30) (Read More Here)
London Trip(September 21-29) (details and photos)
College Avenue Stitchers (1st Saturdays) (10/12)
FlyFests (2nd Saturdays) (12/12)
Knit & Crochet It Forward (2nd Saturdays) (12/12)
YarnSlingers (3rd Tuesdays) (11/12)
Sleep (6 hours/night) (57/92 this Qtr) 61.9% (258/365 = 70%)
Water (6 cups/day) (86/92 this Qtr) 93.4% (324/365 = 88%)
Cardio (3/92 this Qtr) 3% (Achilles Tendon trouble since 7/1) (73/365 = 20%)
Strength (0/92 this Qtr) 0% (no excuses really) (4/365 = 1%)

Finish Cleaning Office (cleared table from the hall that I piled office stuff on)
Backup Floppy Disks to Iomega Drive (ALL 434 DONE! as of 4/24)
Paint Table for Porch (DONE! as of 4/29) (See proof here)
Master Bedroom (work on it) (destruction is done) (See proof here)
We have decided to Reclaim Our Home, one room or area at a time.
We turned our daughter’s old bedroom into our Reading Room.
We decluttered and cleaned the Landing, Garage and the Basement!

Pay Off Car Loan (DONE as of 7/17!)
Pay Off TAN (making monthly payments) (12/12)
Pay ALL Bills on Time (so far, so good) (12/12)
Save $6,000 for London Trip (scraped it up somehow)
We cut the cable and saved over $200/month!

Donate 36 Crocheted Hats (55 DONE!)Donate $ to NaNoWriMo (November) (DONE!)
Gift Wrap for DAR (I missed the signup and they didn’t need me by the time I volunteered)
I have also added crochet edging to 6 baby blankets (30″x30″) this year and taught a great group of ladies how to do this as well. All blankets will be gifted to family or charity. I made 10 soap sacks too!
Get Family Tree Maker (just have to decide which computer now) (gifted to me!)
Update My Genealogy Websites (ALL DONE! as of 4/16, see Karen’s Kin)
Setup a Way to Sell my Crochet Online (got Etsy Store up and posted 30 listings/49 pcs total)(Sold 2 hats!)
Got a My Heritage DNA test kit for my birthday (reviewed it)
Read 100 Books (107/100) (DONE! see GoodReads for specifics)
Complete Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge (12/12)
Read 3 Personal Development Books (21/3)
Update Resume (DONE and currently job hunting)
1 New Blog Post/Week (Thursdays) (105 new posts in 2018!)
Continue Five Minute Friday Posts (My blog says I have written 81 FMF posts in about 18 months)
Continue to Add Content (video clips posted throughout the year)
Try to Film Bullet Journal Flip Through (I filmed it!)
Try Being On Camera with Someone for a Virtual Write-In (still thinking about it/didn’t happen)
I did test Google Hangouts with my adult son who lives in another city
I took a free class (May 11-15) to learn how to edit videos and have posted a few to my IG feed
Complete NaNoWriMo (November) (DONE) See wrap up
Read 3 Writing Craft Books (DONE 4/3)
Take 3 Writing Classes (1/3)
Submit 3 Guest Blog Posts or Magazine Articles for Publication (DONE)
Write 3 Contest Entries (DONE)
Thursday Night Writing Group (42/52) LOVE this group!

Word counts are steady but not as much as I’d like. Pretty much just writing blog posts, resumes, and cover letters these days.
How are you doing on your goals so far this year? Is there anything we can help you with? Let us know in the comments or email me through the contact form.
Please subscribe so you won’t miss anything I post.
Now to start figuring out what I want to accomplish in 2019, because this setting goals things works pretty well in my humble opinion, at least when you check in and hold yourself accountable by posting your progress for the entire world to see. Give it a try, I double dog dare ya!