January 3 2019

Year in Review – Goals

Here is the list of my 2018 Goals.

Spring Break Cabin Trip (March 23-30) (Read More Here)
London Trip(September 21-29) (details and photos)
College Avenue Stitchers (1st Saturdays) (10/12)
FlyFests (2nd Saturdays) (12/12)
Knit & Crochet It Forward (2nd Saturdays) (12/12)
YarnSlingers (3rd Tuesdays) (11/12)

Sleep (6 hours/night) (57/92 this Qtr) 61.9% (258/365 = 70%)
Water (6 cups/day) (86/92 this Qtr) 93.4% (324/365 = 88%)
Cardio (3/92 this Qtr) 3% (Achilles Tendon trouble since 7/1) (73/365 = 20%)
Strength (0/92 this Qtr) 0% (no excuses really) (4/365 = 1%)











Finish Cleaning Office (cleared table from the hall that I piled office stuff on)
Backup Floppy Disks to Iomega Drive (ALL 434 DONE! as of 4/24)
Paint Table for Porch (DONE! as of  4/29) (See proof here)
Master Bedroom (work on it) (destruction is done) (See proof here)

We have decided to Reclaim Our Home, one room or area at a time.
We turned our daughter’s old bedroom into our Reading Room.
We decluttered and cleaned the Landing, Garage and the Basement!


Pay Off Car Loan (DONE as of 7/17!)
Pay Off TAN (making monthly payments) (12/12)
Pay ALL Bills on Time (so far, so good) (12/12)
Save $6,000 for London Trip (scraped it up somehow)

We cut the cable and saved over $200/month!











Donate 36 Crocheted Hats (55 DONE!)Donate $ to NaNoWriMo (November) (DONE!)
Gift Wrap for DAR (I missed the signup and they didn’t need me by the time I volunteered)

I have also added crochet edging to 6 baby blankets (30″x30″) this year and taught a great group of ladies how to do this as well. All blankets will be gifted to family or charity. I made 10 soap sacks too!

Get Family Tree Maker (just have to decide which computer now) (gifted to me!)
Update My Genealogy Websites (ALL DONE! as of 4/16, see Karen’s Kin)
Setup a Way to Sell my Crochet Online (got Etsy Store up and posted 30 listings/49 pcs total)(Sold 2 hats!)

Got a My Heritage DNA test kit for my birthday (reviewed it)

Read 100 Books (107/100) (DONE! see GoodReads for specifics)
Complete Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge (12/12)Read 3 Personal Development Books (21/3)
Update Resume (DONE and currently job hunting

1 New Blog Post/Week (Thursdays) (105 new posts in 2018!) 
Continue Five Minute Friday Posts (My blog says I have written 81 FMF posts in about 18 months)

Continue to Add Content (video clips posted throughout the year) 
Try to Film Bullet Journal Flip Through (I filmed it!)
Try Being On Camera with Someone for a Virtual Write-In (still thinking about it/didn’t happen)

I did test Google Hangouts with my adult son who lives in another city
I took a free class (May 11-15) to learn how to edit videos and have posted a few to my IG feed

Complete NaNoWriMo (November) (DONE) See wrap up
Read 3 Writing Craft Books (DONE 4/3)
Take 3 Writing Classes (1/3)
Submit 3 Guest Blog Posts or Magazine Articles for Publication (DONE)
Write 3 Contest Entries (DONE)
Thursday Night Writing Group (42/52) LOVE this group!

Word counts are steady but not as much as I’d like. Pretty much just writing blog posts, resumes, and cover letters these days.

How are you doing on your goals so far this year? Is there anything we can help you with? Let us know in the comments or email me through the contact form.
Please subscribe so you won’t miss anything I post.

Now to start figuring out what I want to accomplish in 2019, because this setting goals things works pretty well in my humble opinion, at least when you check in and hold yourself accountable by posting your progress for the entire world to see. Give it a try, I double dog dare ya!

Category: Bullet Journal, Crochet, Goals, NaNoWriMo, Travel, Writing | Comments Off on Year in Review – Goals
December 20 2018

Writing An Annual Family Newsletter

Holiday Newsletter

I penned my first official holiday newsletter in December 1994 and let me tell you it was a sad little thing. I typed it on one of the school’s computers in a huge font with some really bad clip art, and I was so proud of myself for actually writing a page and a half. I printed it out in color on a dot matrix printer and most likely copied it in black and white because color just wasn’t a possibility for us back then. It was just meant to go inside the Christmas cards as a way of updating everyone on what was happening in our family. I’m not sure if I didn’t have the nerve to write another one for years or if I lost a couple, but the next one I can find a copy of wasn’t written until 2001.

I have been very consistent from 2001 on only missing 2004 (a year after losing my mother, I just didn’t have it in me) and 2008 (not sure why). I used preprinted holiday-themed stationery for the letters between 2001 and 2007 which kept the printing costs down. I remember having prints of a photo of the boy printed to include in cards one year, but that was pricey too. In 2006, things changed because it was the first holiday season after I began working in the print shop. One of the perks was knowing what the possibilities were and getting a super cheap price on printing the photos in sheets and in color then cutting them apart to include with the letter.

I found a great little template on Microsoft Publisher that would change the look of this holiday newsletter forever. The little newsletter I affectionately dubbed Beidelman Bits was born in December 2009. Publisher let me insert photos and wrap the text around them and divide the newsletter into sections to cover each of the four of us and what was going on with us. By that time, the kids were teens and I had to resort to finding photos on Facebook in some cases because much of their lives took place away from the home and family life of days gone by.

I discovered really quickly that a picture really was worth a thousand words and began writing the letters by gathering the various photos I would use and writing the words to tell about the photos to fill in around them. I may have gotten lazy with the writing or carried away with the number of photos I would include, but they looked good and many of the relatives that received them each year commented on how much they looked forward to getting them and enjoyed reading them each year.

I always included the ages of the kids and what grade they were in at school. I tried to keep everyone updated on what activities we were all participated in and what family trips we took. I even included news of pets and the occasional photos of the pets.

I tried getting the kids to each write a paragraph or two about their year, but that just didn’t go over well with them. I usually didn’t let any of the family read what I had written until after it was in the mail.

I chose which kid to highlight on the front page by who had graduated that year from either high school or college and made sure to include plenty of photos of course. When they went off to college, I included the school mascot and the kids’ mailing addresses. One year my son got a package out of the blue with a Big Bang Theory TV show t-shirt from a cousin of mine who knew from reading my newsletters that my son was a physics major and would like the show.

I really had trouble scrounging up photos of the kids once they were away at college, and the news was not as plentiful about them and what they were doing. Now that they no longer either one live with us, I wonder if I should even be including the kids in the newsletter anymore. There is really very little to report. We don’t hear from them often and other than working hard and paying off student loans and trying to make ends me while “adulting” there is not much to report.

We still have the pets and our trips to report on, oh and there was that little matter of being unemployed for seven months. Which reminds me, since I no longer have a job at a print shop, the color printing has become cost prohibitive again. Last year we went through two complete sets of cartridges for our inkjet printer to get the newsletters printed in color and that was still considerably cheaper than printing it at any of the local printers because they really overcharge for color printing. I’m not sure how we will handle the printing thing this year. The photos just really don’t have the same effect when printed in grayscale, but the budget doesn’t allow for very many options. We could almost buy a color laser printer for what it would cost to print fifty two-sided color copies at any print shop. The inkjet printer just doesn’t do that great a job, but it is still better than not having color at all.

I am beginning to wonder if I shouldn’t just email the newsletter out, but a number of the older family members would never see it then and I am told that many people have saved all of the newsletters to either reread or compare the photos from year to year.

As I look back on the newsletters which I keep in a binder in sheet protectors I can really see in the early years how my computer skills progressed. In the later years, mostly the only things that progressed were my photo cropping and placing skills as I added more and more photos to each year’s issue.

If you have any suggestions, tips or know of a low-cost printing solution, please let me know. Do you write an annual holiday letter? I wish more people did. Usually, all we get are Christmas cards with a signature or a printed name inside. All that tells me is that the person is most likely still alive to send the cards out and that I haven’t been cut from the list yet. I’d love to get news of what is happening in their lives or even see pictures of the kids, grandkids, and pets. In some cases, I’ve never seen their houses so that would be cool too.

If you thought this was going to be out newsletter posted for the whole world to see, sorry to disappoint you. If you are one of the chosen fifty or so households that regularly receive our newsletters and your address has changed, please shoot me an email or text me your new address, please. I save the ones that are returned and sometimes mail the missed year out the next year so you will have it because I can’t bring myself to throw them away. Invariably I get one or two back each year no matter how carefully I check the address list.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Category: Family, Writing | Comments Off on Writing An Annual Family Newsletter
December 6 2018

NaNoWriMo Wrapup

The first part of this post was written when I was in the middle of November and needed something to write, so I thought I’d record my thoughts on how my month was going as of Tuesday, November 20, 2018.

This year, I tried something a little different with NaNoWriMo. First I should probably mention that I started a new temp job on October 22nd and that didn’t give me a lot of time to do last minute story planning and such.

I had a general idea for a story that sounded pretty cool and was working on planning it on October 25th at the Thursday night writing group, but I just never quite got the whole plotting and planning thing figured out. At some point, before that, I had seen a contest where they were giving away “Novel Kits” and all you had to do was choose which of the three they were offering you wanted to win and leave a comment with that and a couple of sentences about why you wanted to write the story in the novel kit. So, knowing that there was little to no chance of my entry being one of the two winners, I figured I had nothing to lose by throwing my hat into the ring. I kind of forgot all about it until I was cleaning out my email and fond the notice in there with the novel kit I had requested attached.

Now I am not one to question when Providence moves on my behalf, so I figured if the novel kit fell in my lap practically on the eve of NaNoWriMo then I should take that as a sign that it was meant for me to use that as my NaNo novel this year. I read through it and printed it out. I wasn’t really even sure what a novel kit consisted of when I entered to win one but figured I’d never win, so it didn’t matter. I sure didn’t have the funds to buy one so I would just keep trying to muddle through planning my story idea. Continue reading

November 30 2018

Deep (Five Minute Friday)

The word for this week is deep. This has been a month. I was deep in the NaNoWriMo trenches and writing every day. I enjoy the focus on writing that November brings each year, but this year, I can honestly say I am ready for it to be over. I felt like I spent the entire thirty days in front of computer screens. Between working in front of a computer all day and then trying to get my word count in, my eyes are so tired of looking at screens.

I am ready to read for pleasure again. I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks and have a couple ready to listen to on my drive to and from work. I don’t like to read fiction books in November so I usually focus on writing craft books or other non-fiction selections. This week has been all about the podcasts.

Starting tomorrow, I need to dive deep into December and get serious about preparing for the upcoming holidays. For those who are still writing, keep going you can read this later. Get back to writing, you CAN do it. I believe in you!

Stay tuned for the wrap up on how my November and NaNoWriMo went.  That post is on the list for this coming Thursday if all goes well.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Deep
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

Category: Five Minute Friday, Writing | Comments Off on Deep (Five Minute Friday)
November 29 2018

What Are U Missing?

When I write away from home, I use my 5-year-old Microsoft Surface Pro 2 laptop/tablet combo. In the five years I’ve had it I have gone through two keyboards. The first one I had to give up on because the letter B basically quit working. I got a new keyboard and all was well until recently. This keyboard is having trouble with the letter U. So I thought it might be fun to show you what a hot mess it can be when just one letter doesn’t work on a keyboard.

The ones I’ve noticed that are really problematic because spell check doesn’t notice them, are all the single letters like s (us) and p (up) just hanging around my novel. There are a lot of yo (you) and sing (using) but the strangest one was sally (usually). None of those missing letter U words trigger the spell checker, so it means I really have to reread closely to make sure the words I wanted to say are what show up on the screen. The letter u shows up about once out of every thirty to fifty times I type it.

So, what are you missing in life and how long does it take you to realize it is missing? I have to admit it took a while for me to figure out what was happening. Then I remembered the B problem. It had been a couple of years since I had to think about what I was typing versus what was showing up on the screen.

Now that I have realized what the problem is, I tried to order a new keyboard and because the computer has been upgraded quite a few times since I got mine and the keyboards are not interchangeable, I had trouble finding the purple version that I have been using all this time. Then I realized that even though I could find the right style keyboard in black, the ones that were reasonably priced we used keyboards. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem buying something used. Maybe I am a keyboard snob, but I don’t want a used one, I want a new one that will last me a couple more years, not a used one that may develop the same problem in a month or two.

I have been watching for more weird words since beginning this piece and discovered that during becomes dring and a house becomes a hose.

What letters do you think you could live without? I know for sure I can’t live without the letters b and u.