Landing Project

Ok, what I am about to show you is horrifying, at least to me. We couldn’t fit all of the furniture from our master bedroom into the smaller room we had to move into after the ceiling fell in our room, so rather than haul it up to the attic or down to the basement, we took the easy way out and stuffed it into our landing leaving just enough room to walk past. Yes, it looks like a hoarding situation, I am aware.
That big pile there on top of the antique dresser behind the rocking chair is stuff my daughter decided was going to be donated to charity. We weren’t supposed to pile it there anymore but since we had been doing that for years, she forgot.
I had taken these photos as before pics once before and then never did anything that deserved an after pic. Then I realized in my excitement to get the reading room put together and not really intending to do any furniture moving at all, I didn’t think to take before pictures again, so these will have to do. The reality when we began removing bookshelves from this landing may have been better or worse, but you get the idea. It got a lot worse before it got better and suffice it to say there was even more dust involved in this small space than the reading room.
The process…
So, we began by just emptying one shelf at a time from one bookshelf at a time. There were four bookshelves on this landing for the past fifteen years or so. We dusted the worsts of it off the books before taking them into the reading room and then re-dusted each book before they went back on the shelves in completely new places. Then we got the worst of the dust off the bookshelves before moving them into the reading room, and of course, dusted them more thoroughly before reloading them with books. We actually found a few duplicates that are to be gotten rid of and found a few we no longer loved enough to make room on the bookshelves for them.
Once the bookshelves were each moved into their new home, we had to sweep up the dust before we scooted the extra bedroom furniture back against the walls. We gave the landing a thorough cleaning but skipped the windows on the outside this time because we simply didn’t have it in us to drag then big ladder out after all we had done during this two day period.
The bookcase headboard is only there until it can be delivered to its rightful owner, and we needed it out of the reading room to make room for the bookshelves.
We also cleaned the blinds and then decided to keep them from getting dusty and let the light in the newly cleaned windows that we should keep them up all the time for now. We can still put them down and even close them if, for some reason, we decide we need more privacy in the hallway, so for now they will stay neatly up and out of the way.
We are pretty thrilled with how it turned out, especially since we absolutely had no intention of doing anything in this area any time soon. Again, “begun is half done” as they say. Now every time we walk up the stairs we think, “Wow! That really looks good!”.
If you need help getting your house decluttered and organized, you can Hire Me to help you with that. There are many ways it could happen, don’t be afraid, just take the first step.
There are many ways it could happen, don't be afraid, just take the first step. Click To Tweet
Hi Karen!
I didn’t know you’re a declutterer for hire — I just might do that! I love what you did with the landing, especially how you broke it down so it wasn’t as difficult.