March 4 2018

Regret (Five Minute Friday)


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Regret, Kate says. What am I going to write about that? I thought late Thursday night as I was getting ready for bed. I’m sure something will come to me before the weekend is over.

Well, little did I know my own carelessness and stupidity would give me something to regret and thus write about just twelve hours later. Be careful what you wish for (or think in this case), right? So I boiled water in the electric teapot for some hot tea on Friday, then as per my habit, I went to unplug the teapot while it wasn’t in use. Silly me didn’t consider the steam coming out of the spout or move the teapot out of the way first. I reached over to grab the plug from the wall and the steam got me before I could figure out what I had done wrong. I didn’t touch the teapot at all, this damage was all done by steam alone. It hurt, so I jerked my right arm back and put my left hand over the sore spot to comfort it. When I moved that hand, there was loose skin, so maybe it was blistering and I didn’t even know it yet. It seemed pretty mild, just looking at it, but boy did it hurt! By the time I was done running errands Friday evening it occurred to me that this burn might prevent me from wearing my splint for carpal tunnel and thus keep me from sleeping soundly. I had picked up some three-inch by four-inch bandages during my errands and planned to cover it while I slept. As it turned out, that was a good plan and the splint covered up the bandage keeping it secure all night while the bandage allowed me to wear my splint. Win-win situation. I made it through the night in good shape.

As the day went by Saturday, water/fluid collected under the top layer of skin and it began to hurt again. No worries, I thought. I have a plan for tonight, just like I did last night. At some point, I realized there was fluid on my arm and that my blister was leaking so I grabbed a piece of paper towel to catch the draining fluid and was glad to see it was clear, which is a good sign. Guess I won’t have to worry about it being too big to fit in my splint tonight. I had been wondering if it would still work with so much fluid inside the blister. I have been lucky. It has only been a minor inconvenience, really. I know it could have been so much worse. I don’t regret making the tea, but I do regret not pouring the water before I tried to unplug the teapot. Ok, Lord, lesson learned. Thanks for not making it any worse than it was. Thanks also for the inspiration for this post.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Regret
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.


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Posted March 4, 2018 by Karen Beidelman in category "Five Minute Friday


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