May 18 2018

Secret (Five Minute Friday)


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Ok, this is getting a little weird. Today, for FiveMinuteFriday, Kate’s prompt is secret. Normally this wouldn’t be a weird thing but tonight, it is. Let me explain. I have been secretly writing a blog post about my struggles with weight loss. Today, I let my daughter read it and she encouraged me to go ahead and post it. At my writing group tonight, the sprint leader asked what we were planning to get done during the upcoming 30-minute writing sprint, so I admitted what I was working on and that I still wasn’t sure I would post it, but that I would be reading over it and editing it just in case. They were all very encouraging too. I also admitted that I thought I probably would eventually release it into the world because I had already created a secret Facebook group and thought I would allow readers who wanted to encourage my efforts to join and tackle their own issues. It wouldn’t be a “closed group”, but a “secret group” where only the members would know where it was and be able to see the members.

So, the reason I have been wavering on whether or not to release it is that the post is basically a timeline of my struggles with my weight with specific dates, weights, and photos going back over thirty years. YIKES! Even Hubby doesn’t know all those details, and we’ve been married forever.

So, I would say, no way, not gonna put myself out there and face the humiliation of the whole world knowing the specifics. But then something inside me says, but what if me coming clean with all those details is what helps someone else lose the weight that is killing them. What if I could help someone take their life back? What if THIS is what I am meant to be writing? I have been adding to it a little at a time as I come across another detail or photo. I’d tell myself it would motivate me and I could always make it a private post for my eyes only. One minute I tell myself, it’s ok, to just go ahead and post it because almost nobody reads my blog anyway unless they are Five Minute Friday posts, even then only a couple of people read it that I know about. The next minute my brain says, but what if THIS is the one post that goes viral and EVERYONE sees it? See what I mean? It is hard to keep a secret, but sometimes it is even harder to share your secret (failures) with the world.

So, please tell me what YOU would do, and what you think I should do in the comments below or perhaps in a direct message just to me via the contact form or email ([email protected]). If I post it at all, it will be WITH all the secret details. Go big or go home, right?

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Secret
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

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Posted May 18, 2018 by Karen Beidelman in category "Five Minute Friday


  1. By Kristen on

    I say post it. It may help others with their struggles.

  2. By Amber on

    The posts where I have been most vulnerable and open with my struggles have been the ones that have resonated most with others and been a source of encouragement or inspiration. I would encourage you to post when you feel comfortable.
    Amber recently posted…Savoring the Secret SpacesMy Profile

  3. By Cindy Wilkins on

    My philosophy in writing my blog is to share my weaknesses and the lessons I’m learning with others so that perhaps someone else will be reassured they aren’t alone or someone who’s already been where I am can give me support and encouragement. Like you, I don’t have much of a following but who knows who we might touch with our transparency? God Bless, Cindy #fmf
    PS I find that daughters can be our toughest critics so having your daughter’s support speaks volumes!😊
    Cindy Wilkins recently posted…Secret Recipe ~ Five Minute FridayMy Profile

  4. By Misty on

    I love that you’ve poured yourself vulnerably into a post so sensitive… It’s so hard sometimes to take that step! But timing is a funny thing!

  5. By Anita Ojeda on

    Posting things from our place of vulnerability makes us real to our readers and invites them in to our struggles. It gives other people courage to make difficult decisions or start down hard paths.

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