April 12 2018

Cozy Chipmunk in Tennessee

We liked this cabin (The Cozy Chipmunk) so much last year, that we decided to book it again for this year. We stayed the last week in March. We were here in April 2017 and the area had fewer tourists in April. This is most likely due to Spring Break trips. We chose the week so our adult son could come along because as a teacher, it was his spring break also.

I didn’t take many photos when we arrived this year because it was 1:30am and we were all tired and ready to settle in a get some sleep. The two shots below with the fancy towel folding were too cute to pass up.

You can see the photos from last year here.

The carpenter bees were still around though not nearly as noticeable and we didn’t hear them buzzing in the bathroom wall this trip. This year, there were tiny ants inside the cabin. They also listened to a couple of my suggestions and we now have hand towels in the bathrooms and there was a night light (though it seems the bulb is burnt out) in the main floor bathroom. Another nice addition this year were soaps in the bathrooms and kitchen. Not sure if these were leftovers from a previous renter or supplied by the rental company but they are a nice touch either way.

Don’t be afraid to let the owners know what you liked about their rental property and what you wish they would do to improve it. They won’t know if you don’t tell them, and they want repeat customers.

Don't be afraid to let the owners know what you liked about their rental property and what you wish they would do to improve it. They won't know if you don't tell them, and they want repeat customers. Click To Tweet

It is still a great cabin, great location and we plan to come back again in the spring of 2019 if all goes well. Continue reading

April 9 2018

Release (Five Minute Friday)

This is Monday, but I am still going to release my perfectionism and write the Five Minute Friday post. It has been harder to sit down and write these Five Minute Friday posts lately. I am not sure if the words just don’t immediately spark an idea like they sometimes do, or if I have just been challenging myself in other ways recently.

There are many things we must release in life. We release our children to go to school, knowing they will be back in just a few short hours. Eventually they graduate and we release them to adulthood and going away to college, but still, we know they will be back.

Again they graduate, but this time from college. Some come back to live at home and others don’t. When they come back to live, they are constantly thinking about moving out, getting a place of their own, adulting full-time. We as parents would rather keep them safely tucked under our wings where we can know they are safe. But alas, they fly the coop and decide to move out and sign a lease on a place committing them for the next year or more. What is a parent to do? We must release them. We must trust that we have done our jobs and taught them well. We must release them to make their own mistakes just as we did when we were young. We must release them and give them the chance to prove how well we trained them up and how much they paid attention to what we taught them.

Once the last child has moved out of the house, and it looks like it will be this way for at least a year or more, we must release their space and recreate it to suit our own needs and move on. We didn’t want them to leave, but we had to let them go.

Our last little chick left the nest at the end of February/beginning of March and we have been asking for the room to be cleaned out. We made plans for the room once it was certain the last chick was fleeing the nest. Five or six weeks later it is no more ready for our purposes so we must take matters into our own hands and help the little chick pack up the remainder of the stuff in the old nest. It is a sad time, but we have happy plans for this space and with a couple of days of very hard work, we made it happen.

Sometimes it is the chick as much as the parents who must release themselves into the big bad world. Perhaps they think if they never completely move out they will have an excuse to come back. They don’t need an excuse! We hope the kids will still call and stop by, but there are no guarantees in this life, so we, as parents, must make a new life and release the old one where we were parenting our kids full time. We didn’t push them out of the nest, we let them decide when they were ready to take that leap of faith and try flying solo.

After almost 27 years of parenting, we are really empty nesters now. We are releasing the old and making room for the new. We are reclaiming our home one room at a time. Stay tuned for before and after pics of the nest repurposing project.

Here is a little preview of what we released this weekend. You see it right?

Here is what I see when I look at the photo above, one very large dust bunny! You just have to release your inner child and go back to the days when you stared at the clouds and saw shapes in them.

(No, I didn’t arrange the dust before taking the picture but the bunny just jumped out at me once it was on my computer screen and I couldn’t help myself!)

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Release
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

April 5 2018

1st Quarter Goal Check-In

Here is the list of my 2018 Goals. I think I really DID do a better job of choosing SMART goals this year. Many have ongoing trackers and that is helping me stay accountable.

Spring Break Cabin Trip (March 23-30) (Watch for upcoming blog posts)
College Avenue Stitchers (1st Saturdays) (3/12)
FlyFests (2nd Saturdays) (3/12)
Knit & Crochet It Forward (2nd Saturdays) (3/12)
YarnSlingers (3rd Tuesdays) (3/12)

Sleep (6 hours/night) (57/90 this Qtr) 63.3% (much better than last year)
Water (6 cups/day) (80/90 this Qtr) 88.9% (better than last year)
Cardio (34/90 this Qtr) 37.7%
Strength (1/90 this Qtr) 1.1%

Tracking really helps me most of the time. Doing much better with sleep and fell off with the water while traveling a bit. Look how my step count totals have gone up each month!

Finish Cleaning Office (no progress yet this year)
Backup Floppy Disks to Iomega Drive (202/434 done)
Paint Table for Porch (not the right season yet)
Master Bedroom (work on it) (no progress yet this year)

Pay Off Car Loan (making monthly payments) (3/12)
Pay Off TAN (making monthly payments) (3/12)
Pay ALL Bills on Time (so far, so good) (3/12)
Save $6,000 for London Trip (not quite 10%)

I just love how this spread turned out. I got carried away coloring in boxes so the ones with single direction lines will be paid this year. I go back and cross them in the other direction after that payment has been made.

Donate 36 Crocheted Hats (16 done so far)
Donate $ to NaNoWriMo (November) (no progress yet this year)
Gift Wrap for DAR (December) (no progress yet this year)

I have also added crochet edging to 4 or 5 baby blankets (30″x30″) this year and taught a great group of ladies how to do this as well. All blankets will be gifted to family or charity.

Get Family Tree Maker (upgrade from 2006 version) (no progress yet this year)
Update My Genealogy Websites (about 3/4 done, see Karen’s Kin)
Setup a Way to Sell my Crochet Online (ordered foam heads/they came dented up)

Read 100 Books (32/100)
Complete Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge (1/12)
Read 3 Personal Development Books (11/3)
Update Resume (work in progress)

1 New Blog Post/Week (Thursdays) (13 +1 book review) (see tracker below)
Continue Five Minute Friday Posts (12) (see tracker below)

Continue to Add Content (38 video clips posted) (see tracker below)
Try to Film Bullet Journal Flip Through (I tried, but needed a new setup)
Try Being On Camera with Someone for a Virtual Write-In (still thinking about it)

Complete NaNoWriMo (November) (no progress yet this year)
Read 3 Writing Craft Books (4/3)
Take 3 Writing Classes (1/3)
Submit 3 Guest Blog Posts or Magazine Articles for Publication (DONE)
Write 3 Contest Entries (DONE) I won for the state on a DAR essay contest I entered but didn’t make it past that level.
Thursday Night Writing Group (12/52) Only missed 3/29 because I was in Tennessee. LOVE this group!

How are you doing on your goals so far this year? Is there anything we can help you with? Let us know in the comments or email me through the contact form.

Please subscribe so you won’t miss anything I post.

April 3 2018

Settle (Five Minute Friday)

When we were kids, our parents would tell us to settle down if we were making too much noise. Then as we got older, we had to settle on a career path and make plans to go to school to study for our chosen career or find a job and get to work. Then, we had to meet our soul mate and settle down and get busy procreating. We have to settle our bills or debts.

We have to settle on a price for the house we want to buy, then settle on a mortgage company. Once the kids come along, we have to settle them into bed each night. Once there is more than one, we have to settle sibling rivalry spats almost constantly. (“I’m not touching you!” one says as they get as close as possible to the other without actually touching them.)

We have to settle for STAYcations when we haven’t saved enough to go somewhere fun. When a parent dies, you have to settle their estate.

We spend our entire life settling in one way or another, but most of the time it is something we feel we have to do rather than want to do. Most of the time, settling is like accepting the second choice.

What have you settled into, for, or on in your life? Was that a good or bad kind of settling?

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Settle
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

March 29 2018

Kitchen Organization the Easy Way

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There comes a time when you realize you just can’t put it off much longer. Organizing your kitchen is a daunting task.

I recently helped an older couple organize and declutter their kitchen cabinets and drawers. The lady of the house wanted to line all the shelves and drawers and asked me to stop at the local hardware store, Lowe’s, to see what we could get to do the job. I found their selection back near the freezers.

Personally, I prefer to line my shelves and drawers with vinyl flooring remnants, where I can unroll it on the floor or table and draw out all the pieces I will need to cut ahead of time. The is very easy to cut with a pair of scissors and because it is flooring, it is very sturdy and easily washable. It also lasts for many years. In this case, it might have been much cheaper. These were the color choices for the 6′ x 9′ rolls they had in stock.

I prefer to line my shelves and drawers with vinyl flooring remnants. It is very easy to cut with a pair of scissors and because it is flooring, it is very sturdy and easily washable. It also lasts for many years. Click To Tweet

I couldn’t convince them of this so we chose a shelf liner instead, and I must admit that given the sheer number of shelves and drawers in this kitchen it was a relief not to have to make four cuts for each drawer, though using the pre-determined widths (20″ & 12″) did waste a bit of liner. I used Duck Brand easyLiner in the taupe color. It took two of the 20” x 12’ Value Roll to do the drawers and base cabinets and then, we liked it so well, I went back for eight of the 12” x 7’ rolls to do all the shelves in the wall cabinets. (Total cost from Lowe’s was just under $100) (See photos of similar products below)

This shelf liner is about 1/16” thick and has a foamy feel to it. It is almost like a rubberized non-slip surface and it seemed like it would cushion the shelves ever so slightly. The easyLiner was very easy to cut, especially when I used a metal ruler and an Exacto knife to cut excess width along the back of each shelf.

We started the job at the top of one base cabinet, the widest one in this case, and removed everything from the top shelf/drawer. We then wiped out the drawers using some hot soapy vinegar water, rinsed with clean water, dried it with an old towel and allowed it to dry the rest of the way while I cut the liner for that drawer. You can use a hair dryer to speed the drying process, but do NOT put the drawer liner in while the drawer is still wet. This process was repeated until all the base cabinet shelves and drawers had been tackled and finished. We like the way it was turning out so I measured to get a decent idea of how much and what width we would need to do the upper cabinets the next day, and left to stop by Lowe’s again on the way home.

5 Tips to Remember:

  • Handle one shelf or drawer at a time. Do NOT pull everything out at once or you will likely find yourself overwhelmed and wishing you had left well enough alone.
  • Make sure you buy enough of the product you decide to use all at once so it will all match and you won’t have to stop in the middle of your project to go find more.
  • Make sure you have everything you need before you jump in.
  • Declutter and get rid of expired, stale, or open containers as you go.
  • Do NOT use contact paper on shelves! Bugs love to hide underneath and can live off the glue as food for years! Trust me, whoever does this task next time will thank you. Likewise, do not tape or staple the edges down.

Handle one shelf or drawer at a time. Do NOT pull everything out at once or you will likely find yourself overwhelmed and wishing you had left well enough alone. Click To Tweet

Wipe all containers before putting them on your newly cleaned and lined shelves. Fold all towels or linens neatly and sort by type as you put them away. Get rid of holey linens or relegate them to the rag bag. Anything that is still perfectly usable and not expired that you are getting rid of can be donated to a local charity. Check all dry ingredients for critters and make sure they are stored in clean dry jars or tight sealing containers to keep the ants or weevils from getting into them.

If you find you have pests living in your cabinets, read this article to learn how to deal with them.

Date all pantry items with the date you bought them and again with the date you opened them. We all tend to lose track of how old things are in our pantry and this keeps us from doing that. Discard any items that are expired and if you use them often add it to your list for the grocery next time you go. Take note of the sizes and keep in mind how often you use various spices and such. Don’t buy more than you can use in the time before an item expires. Search the internet if you are unsure of the shelf-life of a particular item. If you prefer, write the throwaway date on the items as you add them to your pantry. Find a system and be consistent.

I like to organize my spices in alphabetical order, but have them also split by container size with the small metal containers in one cabinet and the larger spice containers in another. Each cabinet is alphabetized separately. You can use small baskets or boxes for packets of mixes to keep them neatly in one place. Again, assess your needs and organize in a way that fits your style and needs as long as it is something you will stick to. You will spend less money buying duplicates because you can’t find the one you already have.

When you put dishes and such back in the cabinets, put like items together and get rid of oddballs that don’t match the rest unless it has a lot of sentimental value or you use it regularly.

Do not keep plastic storage containers unless they have the matching lids. Get rid of any that do fit in the reasonable-sized cabinet shelf or drawer you have allotted for them.

You need not be overwhelmed by the enormity of this task. Once you have the supplies you need, tackle a shelf or drawer a day until they are all done. Play your favorite music or podcast to listen to while you get your kitchen organized.

The finished project is a huge reward in itself. If you need motivation, grab your smartphone and take before and after pictures. After a couple of shelves or drawers are done, you will be so excited by the difference you won’t want to stop until all of them are done.

TIP: Make a list on your smartphone of the spices you have on hand so you won’t be tempted to buy them again just in case. I keep a “Group” in my phone’s contacts called “Info Only” and store things like the size of furnace filters, the model number of toner or ink cartridges, pen refills, window sizes, reward card numbers and other things that have nothing to do with contacts and everything to do with being able to quickly find the info when I need to. As a general rule, if I have to look it up once, a phone number or address gets added to my phone contacts so I never have to look it up again.

Keep a “Group” in your phone’s contacts called “Info Only” and store things like the size of furnace filters, the model number of ink cartridges, pen refills, window sizes, & other things that you need to able to find quickly. Click To Tweet

Here are links to the supplies used in this project or ones very similar:

Here are a couple of upgrades hubby and I would love to add to our existing kitchen cabinets.