February 1 2018

Fun at COSI

On November 18, 2017, while our family was in Ohio for the weekend to see the Bluejackets and Rangers play around with a puck, we took a few hours to visit COSI (Center of Science and Industry). My family has always gone to science and children’s museums on family vacations. The photos and videos below are some of the things we saw and did while we were there. As a parent, I enjoyed this trip more than any other we took to such places in the past because my kids are now 24 and 26 years old and as such could be trusted to behave and not get hurt, lost or kidnapped. It’s really amazing how that can change the dynamic of the trip.

Son and Hubby trying to figure out the right combination required to light up the whole neighborhood.

Hubby in front of an engine.

The COSI Foucault Pendulum Clock. I actually managed to film it knocking the ball off and playing the wooden blocks!

Daughter pulls her body weight up and down.

Daughter plays music with her feet.

Hubby, Son, and Daughter work together to make the car go.

Pumpkin Patch Science (long video)

Tornado Tube.

Tesla Coil Demonstration.

Water feature (above and below).

Daughter went down first then Son decided to join her in the submarine.

I don’t think Daughter knew what she was getting herself into!

Hubby and Son try to figure out how to make the ball shoot up and hit the ceiling.

We weren’t the only ones who couldn’t quite make it happen, but we did see others who were successful. You can hear my two science nerds discussing it.

When rats play basketball!

We highly recommend this great museum, so if you ever find yourself with a day to spend in Columbus, Ohio, go check it out!

January 26 2018

Surrender (Five Minute Friday)

Surrender Kate Motaung says. Not knowing what to write, I looked it up in the dictionary. The definition of surrender according to Merriam Webster, “to give up after a struggle”. The obvious one we struggle with, in this case, would be God. So I look up Bible verses because none immediately come to mind. Why is it that my mind blanks when I see these words sometimes? I struggle to figure out what to write more than half of the time and sometimes the very times when I am having the most trouble I write some of my best work.

It is difficult to really and truly surrender to anyone, even God.

Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7-9 GOD’S WORD Translation

I have done that, so many years ago I lost count. I know it was before I had kids. I know it came about because I was reading inspirational fiction. A group of us were consuming the text written by the author, Janette Oke. More than likely, it was one of the first books in her “Love Comes Softly” series, since that was my introduction to inspirational fiction books. It was probably about this same time that I realized what a huge impact reading a book could have on a person.

I didn’t know it then, but that was probably the first time I found myself wishing I could write like that and change lives, move readers to tears, spur them into action. I was so grateful to a wonderful little lady I worked with named Barb who was a school teacher by day and a clerk in a fabric store by night to make ends meet. She had the whole series of books and loaned them to us all willingly. We would come to work having finished a book and asking who had the next one in the series because we were hooked. We wanted to know what happened to the characters next. We wanted to read more of the verses scattered through the books at just the right places and times. These books didn’t cram religion down our throats, they didn’t preach. They merely showed us how a life with God could be so much better than one without Him.

So I surrendered to Him and because I know I have a hard time truly giving up every last worry in my head, I have surrendered various parts of my life over and over through the years. The song “Jesus Take The Wheel” popped into my head just now and I thought, yes, it is just like that. Sometimes I want to shout out for God to take away all my worries and my doubts and my confusion. Take it so I can be relieved of the burden of it all.

So I find myself at that point again where I surrender, my writing this time. I have felt driven to write for the past five or six years. I just know I am meant to write a book. I am uncertain what sort of book or genre it is supposed to be, but the feeling never waivers. I try to do my part, reading craft books, taking classes to learn to write better so someday when I understand what it is I am meant to write, I will have the skills needed to do a decent job of it and glorify God in the process. I started blogging more seriously as a way to turn my November writing habit into a year-round writing habit and I have done that. I surrender my writing to God. If I am meant to write a book then it will come to me and I will write it when it does. Until then, I must trust in God to lead me to the right resources and teachers and have the confidence that the ability will be there when I need it.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Surrender
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

January 25 2018

2017 Crochet Wrapup

You may remember that my goal was to crochet and donate 26 hats to charity in 2017. Above is the tracker in my bullet journal showing the approximate color schemes of the 52 hats I crocheted. Quite a few of these hats were actually infant hats. The last 8 were 8 or the 10 hats I made for the American Heart Association’s Little Hats Big Hearts Project. See those hats shown below. I am so over solid red hats for the time being. These are all packed up and ready to drop off.

I made these 15 hats using as many bright colors as I could and donated to the church hat tree to be given to students in need at local schools.

I made the star ornament below to test a pattern for the YarnSlingers group.

It took 10 minutes to make the first star, but only 8 minutes to make the second one.


Here are some of the other hats I made in 2017

All but a couple of the hats I made were donated to various charities to either help children or the homeless. I love crocheting when I know it will help others. It helps me to de-stress. I almost never actually crochet at home. The secret is to find groups to meet and crochet with. I have three such groups I meet with once a month and I can make a hat during each two-hour meeting. I occasionally miss a meeting but only if I am sick or out of town. I also crochet while we are on our trips. It helps to focus on my hat making while hubby drives and it is a great way to relax on vacation.

I finally got around to packing up the 14 baby hats shown below that I made in 2015 for Click for Babies and getting those mailed off. The requirement for these hats was that they had to be at least 50% purple of any shade. They seemed to be in need of hats for boys which is why I chose to pair the purple yarns with black and gray. They were some of the first hats I made as you can tell by the fact that they are made entirely of single crochet stitch.

Do you set goals for charity crafting? What do you make? Let us know in the comments below.

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January 22 2018

Book Review: Do I Ever

This book has a refreshing assortment of believable realistic characters in numerous comedic situations. Drew and Andi Stevens, although both Christians, are on the brink of divorce and struggling over custody of a tuxedo cat named Tuck.

When good friends, Jonathon and Heather Hunt, who are also on the verge of divorce, come for a week-long visit to break it to their friends in person, everyone suddenly becomes an amateur actor or actress in order to keep their friends from knowing the true state of their marriages. Antics ensue due to these theater-worthy performances. Throw in Andi’s beautiful young assistant, BJ Diaz, who happens to be in love with Drew and also his best friend and there is no end to the complications. Discussions held in bathrooms, sneaking around to avoid the nosy neighbor and many other antics make this a fun read.

If you are looking for a clean, Christian book to read, this one is a great choice.

If you are interested in buying this book, please consider using the affiliate link below. It won’t cost you more and I might make a few cents because you did.

I was given a copy of this ebook by the author in exchange for posting an honest review. (Review also posted on Amazon.)

Category: Book Review, Reading | Comments Off on Book Review: Do I Ever
January 19 2018

Intentional (Five Minute Friday)

It is not intentional when I stay up a tad too late most nights. In fact, I tell myself almost daily that I will get to bed early or at least at a decent time. But I find so many things to occupy my time and it just flies by and before I know it I look up and it is midnight or even later. I usually berate myself for the fact that I just cannot seem to get my sleep or the lack thereof under control. I also promise myself that tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I WILL get to bed early.

It’s not that I don’t want to sleep. I just want to do the other things I am doing more. What am I doing you ask, when I should be sleeping? Oh, lots of things. Tonight I was listening to an audiobook on my phone, GOD Speaks Your LOVE Language by Gary Chapman. It is great! I never thought of my relationship with God that way. I read the 5 Love Languages book years ago and even got hubby to take a quiz so we could figure out that we spoke different love languages. I’m not sure if it helped him much, it’s hard to tell with men, but it did help me to understand him a little better. The book I am listening to has me thinking about love languages and how God might use them to express his love to us. Some nights my brain is spinning and it just won’t settle down so I can sleep. So many thoughts to think!

Sometimes I am up late working on the blog or writing up a post. Tonight I just had to look to see what the Five Minute Friday word prompt was for the week. Making the graphic to use in the post was intentional. What I didn’t intend to do was actually sit down to write the post before going to bed. I just wanted to know what the word was so I could think about it overnight and while I work tomorrow and then sit down to write my five minutes when I got home tomorrow evening. Well…the best-laid plans…I think I should have waited to make the graphic until I saw where this word would lead me. I intended to talk about tea, but that will have to wait for another day. My squirrel brain went down a different path before I could stop it. Oh well, enjoy the graphic anyway. I think it turned out kind of cute.

I highly recommend both of these books. The links above and below for the books are affiliate links which means if you happen to purchase anything using one of the links, I might a very small commission at no additional cost to you. You can also just check them out of your local library, which is free and also highly recommended.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Intentional
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience.
Please see this site’s Policy & Disclosure Page for more info.