January 18 2018

My 2018 SMART Goals

Here is the list of my 2018 Goals. I hope I did a better job of choosing SMART goals this year. I tried to choose goals I could track in my Bullet Journal. See the photos of the trackers below.

Spring Break Cabin Trip
College Avenue Stitchers (1st Saturdays)
FlyFests (2nd Saturdays)
Knit & Crochet It Forward (2nd Saturdays)
YarnSlingers (3rd Tuesdays)

Sleep (6 hours/night)
Water (6 cups/day)

Finish Cleaning Office
Backup Floppy Disks to Iomega Drive
Paint Table for Porch
Master Bedroom (work on it)

Pay Off Car Loan
Pay Off TAN
Pay ALL Bills on Time
Save $6,000 for London Trip

Donate 36 Crocheted Hats
Donate $ to NaNoWriMo
Gift Wrap for DAR (December)

Get Family Tree Maker (upgrade from 2006 version)
Update My Genealogy Websites
Setup a Way to Sell my Crochet Online

Read 100 Books
Complete Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge
Read 3 Personal Development Books
Update Resume

1 New Blog Post/Week (Thursdays)
Continue Five Minute Friday Posts

Continue to Add Content
Try to Film Bullet Journal Flip Through
Try Being On Camera with Someone for a Virtual Write-In

Complete NaNoWriMo (November)
Read 3 Writing Craft Books
Take 3 Writing Classes
Submit 3 Guest Blog Posts or Magazine Articles for Publication
Write 3 Contest Entries
Thursday Night Writing Group (see tracker near top of page)

I still have a couple more trackers I have yet to set up. I feel like I did a better job of setting goals or at least finding ways to keep track of the goals I set.

January 13 2018

Simplify (Five Minute Friday)

When I read the prompt (Simplify) late Thursday night, I just filed it in the back of my mind, to mull over as I slept. Friday, I decided to go ahead and get the graphic made while I had a minute and get it uploaded so it was ready to go when I write the post to go with it. Funny thing that. When I made the graphic, it said Simplicity. Today (Saturday), when I sat down to write and grab the correct links at the bottom of the post, I realized my error and had to go back and Simplify the word on the graphic. I got a good laugh out of my mistake and figured I now had a direction for my post.

How many times do we make something simple into something complicated when there is no reason to do so? This is the perfect time of the year to take a closer look at our lives and simplify. Are you overcommitted? Look at your calendar and make a list of the activities you regularly participate in. Are there too many? Could you take a minute to number the list in order of importance? Not importance to others, but which are most important to YOU? Could you cut the list down by just ten percent? That would simplify your calendar a bit. The next step might be to learn to say “No.” unless you are really ecstatic about a new opportunity that has been presented to you.

Now, how about household tasks? Do you find yourself perpetually behind on tasks like dishes and laundry? Have you considered the idea that you just might have too many clothes and dishes? Consider what you pack for a week or ten-day trip. If you have just ten days worth of clothes, even if all the laundry is dirty it won’t take that long to get it caught up. If you have enough clothes to last for weeks or months and you let it all get dirty before you wash it, you have a much bigger mound of laundry to tackle, don’t you? I bet you see where I am going with this. If you simplify your wardrobe even by just ten to twenty percent, you can simplify your laundry chores too. I can’t take credit for this idea, but there are famous people who basically wear the same “uniform” every day. If all your clothes were black, like the late Johnny Cash, laundry sorting would no longer taker up precious moments of your life. I use a multi-hamper system where the clothing gets sorted as it is taken off so I can always grab a load when it is getting full. This is how I simplify the task of laundry.

If you have a house full of kids and they are constantly grabbing a clean glass out of the cabinet with each drink they pour, consider getting each kid a different color of the same style of glass, then having them rinse it after each use and put in the dish drainer until they need it again. When you get ready to run the dishwasher, grab them all and load them in. If one turns up missing you know exactly which kid to speak to about it, which again simplifies the task of tracking down the missing dish. It will also cut down on the number of dishes you need to wash by hand or the frequency you need to run the dishwasher.

The more stuff you have, the more time you will spend taking care of your stuff or working/walking around your stuff. More is not always better. You can simplify your life by decluttering your excess possessions.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
The prompt this week is: Simplify
The assignment: Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.

January 11 2018

My Year of Being FEARLESS

For the first time ever, I chose one word to guide me through the year. Never having done such a thing before, I wasn’t sure how it would work out. I am happy to report that it went very well. The word I chose to guide me through 2017 was FEARLESS.

In January, I chose to submit my first written contest entry. This was huge because I really hadn’t even been promoting my blog at that time and I rarely let anyone read my writing. I was fine with the idea of blogging because I know my posts weren’t being read by anyone and I saw no reason for that to change.

Enter February, where my idea of being fearless included not only blogging, but also committing to the purchase of a domain name and moving my Weebly blog that no one was reading to the WordPress platform. It was a huge commitment but I told myself a fearless person would do it in a heartbeat, so I did it. I also bought a blogging course so I could do it without embarrassing myself too badly.

As part of blogging and trying to do it well, I read that each blog post should have a graphic to go with it and grab the reader’s attention. I also read that it would be best to use graphics that you created or photos that you had taken. I take photos all the time, so no problem, right? So I heard a lot of bloggers were using PicMonkey to create graphics, or at the very least to add text to their photos. So I spent an entire Sunday playing around with it and taught myself the basics of using PicMonkey. I even used it to design myself some business cards and ordered them too while I was at it. If I was going to be fearless, I needed a business card, right? Continue reading

January 5 2018

Motivate (Five Minute Friday)

This time of year seems to motivate everyone to think about their goals for the new year and what they would like to accomplish. I too struggled with what goals to choose and what word I would pick to motivate me throughout the year as the word FEARLESS did in 2017. I chose the word CONFIDENCE to be my 2018 word of the year. It was very hard to choose this year. You see, last year was the first time I had done this word of the year thing and though I went into it half-hearted last year I tried my best to think about being fearless whenever I found myself with a tough decision to make. I think I allowed the word FEARLESS to guide me very well last year and it only seemed fitting to follow my year of being FEARLESS up with a year of CONFIDENCE.

You may ask yourself why I need confidence, after all, I am writing and putting my work out here on the blog for the whole world to see. Continue reading

January 4 2018

2017 Goals Wrap Up

Way back in January 2017, I shared my 2017 SMART Goals. The year has flown by and it is time to see how I did on those goals.

Here are the goals I set at the beginning of the year:

1) Do a cabin weekend DONE!
2) April trip DONE!
3) Annual Hockey Trip for the kids’ birthdays DONE!

FITNESS GOALS: (These are examples of how NOT to set goals.)
1) Get 6 hours of sleep a night (170/365 = 46%) See tracker below.
2) Drink 6 cups of water a day (273/365 = 74%) See tracker below.
3) Continue using MyFitnessPal app (323/365 = 88%)

1) Clean out my home office (3/4 done with pics to prove it!)
2) Declutter the landing DONE!
3) Declutter my clothes DONE!

1) Do some genealogy DONE! (One of the writing classes was called “Saving Your Family Tree” so I am counting that.)
2) Take three writing classes DONE! (I actually took 9 paid classes through the local writers center and 5 free ones at the local library)
3) Read for thirty minutes a day DONE! Read 93 books! (It is a rare day when I don’t read!) See Books Read 1 & 2 Below.

1) Pray daily DONE! (It is a rare day when I am not praying off and on all day.)
2) Read 15 inspirational fiction books DONE! (34 read)
3) Crochet 26 hats to donate to charity DONE! (52 hats total) See tracker below.   

1) Finish one of my previous NaNoWriMo novels (1st edits done)
2) Publish something DONE! (Guest Post on NaNoWriMo Blog 8/21)
3) Participate in NaNoWriMo DONE!

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